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A Chronological Summary of Contents
                      1 9 6 9 - 1999

​No. 1, November 1969
Report of founding meeting. Two pages.

No. 2, December 1969
Miracles. Business and discussion report. Essay: "The Incarnation in the Works of C.S. Lewis" by Byron Lambert. Eight pages.

No. 3, January 1970
"Christianity and Culture: An Interpretation of C.S. Lewis," with essay by Dr. Robert Ives; C.S.L. Question Box and Quiz #1. Twelve pages.

No. 4, February 1970
Meeting on "Objections to Lewis"; Society business. Five pages.

No. 5, March 1970
"Chronological Snobbery." Four pages.

No. 6, April 1970
Till We Have Faces. Four pages.

No. 7, May 1970
"Impressions of Lewis as a Man," with Miss Jane Douglass and Prof. Thomas Howard; essay, "An Enduring Friendship," by Miss Douglass. Six pages.

No. 8, June 1970
"C.S. Lewis and Modern Theological Thought," with Dr. Ronald Grimes. Three pages.

No. 9, July 1970
The Great Divorce. Essay: "C.S. Lewis as Amateur Philosopher" by Paul Vincent. Eight pages.

No. 10, August 1970
"CSL and Politics." Question Box. Three pages.

Bulletins 1-10 Together  - - $10​​ (55 pages in all)

No. 11, September 1970
The Magician's Nephew and The Last Battle. Extracts
​from letters. Question Box. Six pages.

No. 12, October 1970
Lyric poetry and the poetry of C. S. Lewis.
​Question Box. Letters. Seven pages.

No. 13, November 1970
Reflections on the Psalms, with essay by Bryon Lambert. Question Box. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 14, December 1970
The Silver Chair and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Question Box. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 15, January 1971
The Abolition of Man, with "Notes" by Richard Hodgens. Articles: "A Brief Study of Implied Disjunctive Syllogisms"​ by J. R. Christopher; "Quid Est Veritas? Est Vir Adest" ​by Henry Noel; "The Greening of America and ​The Abolition of Man" by Eugene McGovern. Book notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 16, February 1971
The Pilgrim's Regress, with "A Guide" by Henry Noel. ​Notes. Letters. Twenty-four pages.

No. 17, March 1971
"C.S. Lewis: Literary Critic." Article by James Como: "The Critical Principles of C.S. Lewis." Bibliography of articles and books about Lewis. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 18, April 1971
Miracles. Articles: "The Reception of C.S. Lewis in Germany" by Gisbert Kranz; "The Composition of The Chronicles of Narnia" by Richard Shramko; "New Light on Narnia" by William Linden; Excerpts from "The Chronicles of Narnia and the Adolescent Reader" by John W. Montgomery. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 19, May 1971
"Charles Williams and C.S. Lewis," with excerpts from essay by Prof. Jack Boies. Essays: "All Lies in a Passion of Patience" by Eugene Warren; "What is the C.S. Lewis Society About?" by Henry Noel. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 20, June 1971
"Does the evolution of human consciousness, notably in the Counter-Culture, give grounds for optimism about the future of Mankind?," with Profs. Peter Kreeft and William Marra. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 21, July 1971
The Four Loves. Reprinted from Time, "Don v. Devil" (Sept. 8, 1947), "Defender of the Faith" (Dec. 6, 1963). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 22, August 1971
Mere Christianity. Two unpublished letters by Lewis. Essay: "On the CSL Theory of the Composition of the Chronicles of Narnia" by J.R. Christopher. Letters. Six pages.

No. 23, September 1971
A Grief Observed. Essay: "A Theological Triolet" by J.R. Christopher. Letters. Six pages.

No. 24, October 1971
"CSL on Words." Essays: "Philology in Out of the Silent Planet" ; by Karen Farley, and "CSL on Science" by Henry Noel. Notes. Letters. Six pages.

No. 25, November 1971
The Screwtape Letters, with "A Personal View" and "Some Accomplishments Claimed by the Lowerarchy" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Winning essays in the Screwtape Competition by "Another Clerk" and Craig Lawson. Essay: "Introduction to Lewis" by Charles A. Brady, reprinted from America (May 27, 1944). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 26, December 1971
"Memories of Lewis" with Christopher Derrick as guest speaker. Summary of the Question Box, QB I to QB 45, by Henry Noel. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: II" by Charles A. Brady, reprinted from America (June 10, 1944). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 27, January 1972
The Problem of Pain. Essay: "Apologist versus Apologist: A Critique of C.S. Lewis as 'Defender of the Faith'" by Norman Pittenger, reprinted from The Christian Century (October 1, 1958). Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 28, February 1972
Letters to Malcolm, with "An Appraisal" by Robert Merchant. Essays: "Star-Begotten on the Silent Planet" by Richard Hodgens; excerpts from "C.S. Lewis" by Walter Hooper, reprinted from The Franciscan (September 1967). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 29, March 1972
The Discarded Image, with excerpts from "A Survey" by Evelyn Herzog. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 30, April 1972
Poems. Notice by Walter Hooper of the death of Katherine Farrer. Essay: "Finding God in Narnia" by Charles A. Brady, reprinted from America (October 27, 1956). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 31, May 1972
"An Evening with Owen Barfield." Essay: "C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table" by the Rev. Canon Adam Fox. Notes. Letters. Ten pages. Supplement to No. 31: Reprint of "Philology and the Incarnation" by Owen Barfield with a bibliography of Mr. Barfield's works. Five pages.

No. 32, June 1972
"Lewis's View of Animals," with paper by Helen Cooper. Essays: "Narnia: The Journey and the Garden Symbols in The Magician's Nephew and The Horse and His Boy," by "Another Clerk" ; "Arthurian Torso: Lewis Among the Metaphysicals" by James Mark Purcell. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 33, July 1972
Out of the Silent Planet, with "The Planetology of C.S. Lewis: In Summary" by Richard Hodgens. Essays: "J.B.S. Haldane, Jailer" by Richard Hodgens; "Who was J.B.S. Haldane?" Question Box. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 34, August 1972
"Major Warren H. Lewis," with bibliography of Major Lewis. Essays: "Identifications of Lewis's Dedicatees; "Joy Davidman's Letter to a Comrade" by Jerome McGovern. Bibliography of Joy Davidman's Works. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 35, September 1972
"Lewis and Education." Essays: "Some Preliminary Thoughts on Lewis and Freud" by Hope Kirkpatrick; "'...And I Quote': A Survey of Lewis's Citations of George MacDonald" by Muriel Hutton. Summary of responses to the Society's questionnaire by Henry Noel. A note on college courses dealing with Lewis. Financial report. Eighteen pages.

No. 36, October 1972
A Preface to Paradise Lost, with essay by Donald A. Roberts. Essay: "C.S. Lewis in Milton Criticism" by James Como. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 37, November 1972
"Lewis and Rational Individualism." Essays: "Narrative Poems" by James Mark Purcell; "C.S. Lewis vs. Restoration Comedy" by J.R. Christopher; "Letter from Holland" by E.J. VanWaasdijk. Notes. Question Box. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 38, December 1972
Perelandra, with essay, "Myth and Belief in Perelandra" by James Como. Note on "Perelandra as Opera" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Eight pages.


No. 39, January 1973
"Obstinacy in Belief," with essay by Eugene McGovern. Memoir, "The Prophet Lewis" by Dr. Erik Routley. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 40, February 1973
"Lewis Contra Freud" with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Memoir, "Meeting with C.S. Lewis..." by Charles Wrong. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: Foe of Humanism" by George C. Anderson, reprinted from The Christian Century (December 25, 1946). Notes. Letters. Fourteen pages.

No. 41, March 1973
That Hideous Strength, with map of the University of Edgestow by Mary Kirkpatrick. Essay: "Can Lewis and Freud be Reconciled?" by Robert Plank. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 42, April 1973
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, with "An Introduction" by Kay Stevenson. Essays: "C.S. Lewis and the Worship of the Church" by Donald A. Roberts; "Lewis vs. Empson: Was Eden Plato's or OGPU's?" by James Mark Purcell; "A Reply to Dr. Plank" by Hope Kirkpatrick; "Lewis vs. Bultmann in L'Aigle" by Henry Noel; "A Production at Magdalen" by Mary Legg. Notes. Letters. Fourteen pages.

No. 43, May 1973
"Anthroposophy: The Teachings of Rudolf Steiner with Special Reference to C.S. Lewis," with essay by Amos Franceschelli. Book notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 44, June 1973
"Sehnsucht," with essay, "Sehnsucht and Joy" by Robert C. Rice. Essay: "The Scholar's Tale," reprinted from Times Literary Supplement (January 7, 1965). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 45, July 1973
The Four Loves: "Affection." Essays: "Miracles Rationalized," reprinted from Times Literary Supplement (June 14, 1947); "Lewis's Revision of Miracles, Chapter 3" by Eugene McGovern. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 46, August 1973
No meeting. Essay: "Dante in the Works of C.S. Lewis" by Dr. Gisbert Kranz, translated by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters from Charles Wrong concerning Lewis and suicide. Ten pages.

No. 47, September 1973
"Lewis, the Christian Rhetorician." Essay: "Myth in the Apologetic Works" by John Fitzpatrick. Photocopy of a letter and a sketch Lewis sent to Sr. Penelope, CSMV. Letters. Financial report. Eight pages.

No. 48, October 1973
"The Rules of the Game," with Prof. Paul Holmer. Essay: "Joseph Wood Krutch and C.S. Lewis: A Comparison and a Letter" by J.R. Christopher. A Narnian crossword puzzle. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 49, November 1973
The Four Loves: "Friendship." Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Homosexuality" by Margaret P. Hannay. A list of translations of Lewis's books; notes on "The Lewis Collection at Wheaton College"; "BBC Productions of Lewis's Works"; "A Memorial Service in Thankful Memory of C.S. Lewis." Eight pages.

No. 50, December 1973
"The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment" with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 51, January 1974
Reflections on the Psalms with essay by Robert Merchant. Memoir, "Recollections of C.S. Lewis" by Luke Rigby, O.S.B. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 52, February 1974
No meeting because of a snowstorm. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Anthroposophy" by A.C. Harwood, reprinted from Anthroposophical Quarterly (Winter 1973). Photograph of Rudolf Steiner. Essay: "The Function of Criticism," reprinted from Times Literary Supplement (Nov. 3, 1961). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 53, March 1974
"Lewis and MacDonald." Essay: "An Introduction to the Curdie Books of George MacDonald, Including Parallels Between Them and the Narnian Chronicles" by Mary Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 54, April 1974
The Four Loves: "Eros." Essays: "Eros in That Hideous Strength" by Jack Haynes; "Warren Hamilton Lewis: An Appreciation" by Walter Hooper. Eight pages.

No. 55, May 1974
"Books Which Influenced Lewis." Essays: "Lewis and MacDonald" by Mary Kirkpatrick; "Tormance and C.S. Lewis" by William Linden; "Some Notes on Chesterton" by Eugene McGovern. Eight pages.

No. 56, June 1974
"Metaphor in The Great Divorce." Essay (excerpts): "The Great Divorce: Life After Death in Metaphor" by Lois Westerlund. "C.S. Lewis: A Bibliographical Supplement," compiled and annotated by J.R. Christopher and Joan K. Ostling. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 57, July 1974
The Four Loves: "Agape." Essays: "Some Little-Known Books in Lewis's Background" by Henry Noel. "How Your Bulletin Gets to You: A Mechanical Tale." Eight pages.

No. 58, August 1974
No meeting. Essays: "A Clear Thinker" by Hope Kirkpatrick; "The Child motif in That Hideous Strength" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr.; "C.S. Lewis and the Mind-Body Identity Thesis" by J.D. Memory; "Some Children's Thoughts on The Horse and His Boy." Question Box. Notes. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 59, September 1974
"Lewis as Seen by Those Who Knew Him" with essay, "The New Ingredient" by Eugene McGovern. Essays: "C.S. Lewis" by John Wain, reprinted from Encounter (May 1964); "Body and Mind in That Hideous Strength" by Laurie Lieb. Notes. Letters. Financial report. Fourteen pages.

No. 60, October 1974
Surprised by Joy. Essays: "An Analysis of 'The Apologist's Evening Prayer'" by J.R. Christopher; "The Inklings and the 20th Century: Did They Back Away?" by Corbin Scott Carnell (reprinted from Catholic Currents). Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 61, November 1974
Fifth Anniversary Issue. Report of the meeting by Robert Merchant. Essays: "A Clerke of Oxenforde" by James Como;" "Our First Five Years" by Eugene McGovern; "The Story of Two Lives" by Byron Lambert; "'From the Master's Lips'": "W.B. Yeats as C.S. Lewis Saw Him" by J.R. Christopher. "The Old Grey Mare," "Awake, My Lute!" and (with Owen Barfield) "Abecedarium Philosophicum." A Letter from Walter Hooper, A Letter to Clyde S. Kilby. Photographs. Reviews. Notes. Letters. The Charter of the Society. Twenty-four pages.

No. 62, December 1974
"The View of Woman in Lewis and in Charles Williams." Essay: "The Rebirth of Christ" by Jeffrey Hart, reprinted from National Review (Dec. 28, 1965). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 63, January 1975
The Green-Hooper biography of Lewis. Essays: "The People's New Clothes: A Biography, Its Readers, and Its Subject" by James Como; Paul Elmer More and C.S. Lewis" by Richard Doney and Byron C. Lambert. Eight pages.

No. 64, February 1975
"'Membership,' With Special Emphasis on Lewis's Idea of Hierarchy." Essay: "Hierarchy in C.S. Lewis" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 65, March 1975
"Echoes of St. Bonaventure in The Great Dance on Perelandra." Essays: "The Ubiquitous Center in Bonaventure and in Lewis" by Jaime Vidal; "Men and Morals in Space" by John M. Phelan, reprinted from America (Oct. 9, 1965). Eight pages.

No. 66, April 1975
"Life After Death: Visions of Lewis and Williams," with essay by Naomi Frost. Announcement of a Screwtape Competition, with sketch by Geoff Jeanes. Notice of the founding of the C.S. Lewis Society of Princeton University. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 67, May 1975
The use of Lewis's books in courses at Luther College, Teaneck, NJ. Excerpts from students' essays. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 68, June 1975
The Narnian stories. Essays: "'Other Worlds' in Fiction" by Geoff Jeanes; "The View from Malacandra" by Donald Watt. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 69, July 1975
"An Evening With Walter Hooper," which took the form of answers to questions from the audience. Essay: "C.S. Lewis in Cambridge: Some Personal Impressions" by R.W. Ladborough. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 70, August 1975
Special issue: "Opposition is True Friendship." Essays: "C.S. Lewis and Historicism" by Owen Barfield; "The Barfield-Lewis 'Great War'" by Lionel Adey; "The Common Ground of Lewis and Barfield" by James G. Colbert, Jr.; "Christianity and Progress" by Charles Wrong. Twenty-four pages.

No. 71, September 1975
"The Case for Christianity," with essay, "What Christians Believe" by Robert Merchant. "A Toast to the Memory of C.S. Lewis" by A.C. Harwood, with photograph. Notes. Letters. Financial report. Eight pages

No. 72, October 1975
"Belief: A Functional View," with essay by Beverly Arlton. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 73, November 1975
Till We Have Faces, with essay by James Como. Other essays: "Mystic Experience in Till We Have Faces" by Carolyn Keefe; "The Labors of Psyche: A Sorting of Events" by J.R. Christopher. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Fourteen pages.

No. 74, December 1975
The Great Divorce, with essay, "The Beginning of the Real Story: Images of Heaven in C.S. Lewis and Dante" by Lawrence Cobb. Short essay: "Why Are We Members of the C.S. Lewis Society?" by Lawrence Cobb. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.


No. 75, January 1976
The Allegory of Love, presented by Jim Tetreault and summarized for the Bulletin by James Como. Essay: "The Nature and Function of Myth in the Christian Thought of C.S. Lewis" by John T. Stahl. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Notes. Letters. Fourteen pages.

No. 76, February 1976
The Great Dance in Perelandra, with essay by John Kirkpatrick. Essay: "C.S. Lewis's Problem with Petitionary Prayer" by Eric C. Meyer, C.P. Letter. Twelve pages.

No. 77, March 1976
The Screwtape Letters, with essay, "Screwtape, Satan, and Sophistication" by Susan Hall. Winning entries in the Screwtape Competition, by Larry Walker and Jennifer Swift. Eight pages.

No. 78, April 1976
Narrative Poems, with essay by Richard Hodgens. Short essay: "The Three Roads: A Comment on 'The Queen of Drum'" by Carol Ann Brown. "MLA Seminars on Lewis" by James Como. Letters. Eighteen pages.

No. 79, May 1976
"Imagination and Reality" with Paul Holmer as speaker. Essay: "Memories of a January Term Abroad" by Constance Danner. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 80, June 1976
The Personal Heresy, with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letter. Eight pages.

No. 82, August 1976
No meeting. Essay: "Lewis's View of Science" by Martha C. Sammons. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Financial Report. Eight pages.

No. 83, September 1976
"The Poison of Subjectivism," with essay, "On the Objectivity of Moral Values" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "Transformed Nature: 'Where is it Now, the Glory and the Dream?'" by J.R. Christopher. Twelve pages.

No. 84, October 1976
"Minitopics on Lewis," with essays, "The Land Where the Shadows Fall: The Idea of Heaven in C.S. Lewis" by Carol Ann Brown, and "Obedience and Surrender in Narnia" by John Morrison. Essay: "A Visit to the Wade Collection at Wheaton College" by Sr. Ignatius Miller, OSU. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 85, November 1976
Miracles, with essay by Robert Merchant. "A Prayer Written on the 13th Anniversary of C.S. Lewis's Death" by Corbin Scott Carnell. The By-Laws of the Eldila of the Society. Eight pages.
No. 86, December 1976
"Lewis and Eliot," with essay by James Tetreault. Quotations from Eliot, Lewis, and Lincoln. Reports of a conference on Lewis at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and on the Special Session on Lewis at the MLA convention. Book Notes. Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 87, January 1977
An Experiment in Criticism, with an essay by Linda Bridges. "Charles Colson's Born Again." Eight pages.
No. 88, February 1977
Recording of The Screwtape Letters. Essays: "Masculine and Feminine: The Shape of the Universe" by Lawrence W. Cobb;" "Fantasy in a World of Monochrome: Where C.S. Lewis Continues to Help" by W. Fred Graham, and a reply to Graham by Stuart D. Robertson, both reprinted from The Christian Century. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 89, March 1977
"Narnia, The Magic Flute, and The Tempest," with Fr. William Eddy as Chairman. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: The Man and What He Stood For" by Lionel Adey. Eight pages.

No. 90, April 1977
Meeting devoted to "Minitopics." "A Lewis Evening in London" by Mary Kirkpatrick; "A Conference on the Oxford Christian Writers at Messiah College" by Susan F. Jonas; "Lewis, Sayers, and ?" (a selection of quotations) by Carol Ann Brown; Letters. Eight pages.

No. 91, May 1977
Letters to An American Lady, with essay by Dr. Dora Chaplin. Essay: "C.S. Lewis's Annotations to His Shakespeare Volumes" by Lionel Adey. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 92, June 1977
Narnia, with essay, "Once Upon a Narnia" by Carol Ann Brown. Essay: "The Angel of the Law in The Great Divorce" by Eugene Warren. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 93, July 1977
"Lewis on Husbands and Wives," with excerpts from an essay by Naomi Frost. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Formation of 'Mere Christianity'" by Roland M. Kawano.. Eight pages.

No. 94, August 1977
No meeting. The issue was devoted to the Society's first "Lewis Weekend," held at Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT, August 12-14. Essays: "Reflections of an Editor" by Walter Hooper;" "Orual's Complaint Against the Gods." Sixteen pages.

No. 95, September 1977
"Lewis: The Believing Skeptic." Essays: "Some Notes on C.S. Lewis's The Dark Tower and Other Stories" by Charles Brady; "Preparing a College Library Exhibit on C.S. Lewis" by Bela Kapotsy. A summary of the responses to the questionnaire that accompanied the September 1976 issue. Notes. Financial Report. Sixteen pages.

No. 96, October 1977
Out of the Silent Planet, with essay, "It All Depends on the Point of View" by Lois Westerlund. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Chinese" by Paul Clasper, reprinted from Quarterly Notes on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 97, November 1977
"Jolly Decent, Jolly Profitable: C.S. Lewis and His American Publishers," with William Griffin, Senior Editor at Macmillan. Essays: "Logres and Britain: The Dialectic of C.S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength" by John H. Timmerman; "The Rhetorical End: 'Venus at St. Anne's'" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Notes. Fourteen pages.

No. 98, December 1977
"Lewis and ... Management?!" Essay: "'The Man Born Blind': Light in C.S. Lewis" by Martha C. Sammons. Eight pages.

No. 99, January 1978
"Chesterton and Lewis," with essay, "Chesterton and Lewis: The Necessary Angels" by John Martin. Brief essay: "Lewis and Charlotte Yonge" by Sr. Ignatius Miller, OSU. Fourteen pages.

No. 100, February 1978
"Words, and The Word," with essay by Amos Franceschelli. Notes. Letters. Three photographs of Lewis. Twelve pages.

No. 101, March 1978
The Four Loves, with essay by Emilie Griffin. Letters. Note. Eight pages.

No. 102, April 1978
The Dark Tower, with essays: "Notes on Lewis's The Dark Tower" by Richard Hodgens and "Touring The Dark Tower" by J.R. Christopher. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letter. Sixteen pages.

No. 103, May 1978
The Personal Heresy, with essay, "The Final Essays in The Personal Heresy" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Ten pages.

No. 104, June 1978
"Lewis and Purgatory," with essay, "In the Dentist's Chair, or, Farther Up and Farther In?" by Burton Everist. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 105, July 1978
"Social Morality," with essay by Eugene McGovern. Eight pages.

No. 106, August 1978
No meeting. Essay: "The Ancients versus the Moderns: Thoughts on The Abolition of Man" by G.B. Tennyson, reprinted from The Occasional Review. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 107, September 1978
"Lewis on Death and Resurrection," with essay by Walter Ramshaw. Notes. Financial Report. Eight pages.

No. 108, October 1978
"Two Authors Whom Lewis Recommended," with essays: "Notes on a Lost Eulogy" (on Dorothy L. Sayers), by Carol Ann Brown; "One Who Gave 'Ardour to Virtue and Confidence to Truth'" (on Samuel Johnson) by Eugene McGovern. Twelve pages.

No. 109, November 1978
The Pilgrim's Regress. Essay: "The Talk of Christian Men" by Walter Hooper (a review of Humphrey Carpenter's The Inklings, reprinted from Christian World). Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 110, December 1978
"Lewis, the Apologist," with essay by Robert Merchant. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 111, January 1979
Selected Literary Essays, with essay by Linda Bridges. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 112, February 1979
"C.S. Lewis and the Foolish Things of the World," with essay by John Martin. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Notes. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 113, March 1979
Perelandra, with essay by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 114, April 1979
"Lewis on Prayer" with essay by Beverly Arlton. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 115, May 1979
Meeting devoted to a showing of the first two parts of "Through Joy and Beyond." Essays: "C.S. Lewis as medievalist" by Judith Kollmann; "The Sound of Friendship" by Owen Barfield (a review of They Stand Together, reprinted from Christian World). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 116, June 1979
C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table, with James Como. Essay: "Mirrors of Ourselves" by Carol Ann Brown. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 117, July 1979
Sheldon Vanauken's A Severe Mercy and Humphrey Carpenter's The Inklings, with essay by Walter Ramshaw on A Severe Mercy. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 118, August 1979
No meeting. Essays: "Jane McNeill and C.S. Lewis" by Mary Rogers (reprinted from The Chronicle of the Portland C.S. Lewis Society); "A Note on The Abolition of Man" by James G. Colbert, Jr.; "Lewis's Objective Room: Key to Aesthetics" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens, Notes. Eight pages.

No. 119, September 1979
"Fresh Views of Humankind in Lewis's Poems," with essay by John Kirkpatrick. Financial report. Eight pages.

No. 120, October 1979
"The Idea of Covenant in Narnia," with essay by John Morrison. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 121, November 1979
A celebration of the Society's Tenth Anniversary. Essays: "Equality" by C.S. Lewis (reprinted from The Spectator, August 27, 1943); "A Toast" by James Como; "The Society's First Ten Years" by Richard Hodgens; "Members' Responses to the Society's Questionnaire" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Two photographs of Lewis. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 122, December 1979
They Stand Together, with essay "Late Wine: The Letters to Arthur Greeves" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "Was Lewis Consistent on Punishment and Purgatory?" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Ten pages.

No. 123, January 1980
Showing of the third part of "Through Joy and Beyond." Essays: "The Heresy of Allegorizing Narnia: A Rejoinder" by Charles A. Huttar; "On the Excesses of Appreciation" by Bruce Edwards, Jr. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 124, February
"The Eldila in the Space Trilogy," with essay by John Willis, S.J. Essay-review, by James Como of Walter Hooper's Past Watchful Dragons and Peter J. Schakel's Reading with the Heart. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 125, March 1980
"C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams: Differences and Similarities in the Shape of Their Thought" with essay by Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 126, April 1980
"C.S. Lewis on Conversion" with essay by Emilie Griffin. Essay: "Mother Hubberd's Tale and The Last Battle" by Russ A. Phelps. Notes. Ten pages.

No. 127, May 1980
"C.S. Lewis on Scripture," with essay by Michael Christensen. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 128, June 1980
"'The Taste of the Pineapple': A Basis for Literary Criticism," with essay by Jerry Daniel. Letters. Twelve pages.

No. 129, July 1980
Meeting devoted to minitopics on Lewis: "Inner Rings and C.S. Lewis" by John Helfrich; "An Objection to Lewis's Treatment of Storge" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "That Hideous Strength: Antidote to Modernism" by Charles J. Nolan, Jr. Book Notes. Letters. Eight pages

No. 130, August 1980
No meeting. Essays: "Die Engel" by Carol Ann Brown; "Sehnsucht and the Platonic Eros in Dymer" by Michael D. Slack. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 131, September 1980
Reflections on the Psalms, with essay by Walter Ramshaw. Essay: "Lewis on Storge: A Rejoinder" by John J. Brugaletta. Financial report. Ten pages.

No. 132, October 1980
"The Screwtape Letters: A Description of the Manuscript in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library" by James Como. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 133, November 1980
"Broadening the Lewisian Context: Some Suggestions" with essay (published in the January 1981 issue) by James Como. Essay: "Letters from C.S. Lewis in the Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin: A Checklist" by Joe R. Christopher. Eight pages.

No. 134, December 1980
"'A Day With a White Mark' - Ten Readings From the Works of C.S. Lewis" by the CUNY Readers Theatre. Essays: "C.S. Lewis and the Poetry of Owen Barfield" by Thomas Kranidas; "C.S. Lewis in the Company of All the Saints" by Sr. Brenda Michael. Notes. Letters. Ten pages.
No. 135, January 1981
"Themes of Joy and Substitution in the Works of C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams," with essay by Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald, and "The Coinherence of Charles Williams's Christian Symbols: An Outline" by Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald. Essay: "Broadening the Lewisian Context: Some Suggestions" by James Como (presented at the November 1980 meeting). Letters. Sixteen pages.
No. 136, February 1981
The Great Divorce, with essay, "On Lizards and Stallions" by Michael Christensen. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letter. Eight pages.

No. 137, March 1981
"The Conscience and Moral Reasoning," with essay by Robert Merchant. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 138, April 1981
An informal debate on "Resolved: Lewis's Writings offer More Comfort to American Political Liberals Than They Do to American Political Conservatives." Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Romantic Novel" by Don D. Elgin. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 139, May 1981
"Secondary Worlds: Lewis and Tolkien," with essay and two drawings by Sr. Pauline, CSM. Eight pages.

No. 140, June 1981
"The Politics of C.S. Lewis." Essays: "Malvern in My Time" by W.H. Lewis; "Lewis and Johnson on the Foundations of Morality." Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Eight pages.

No. 141, July 1981
"C.S. Lewis's Contribution to a 'Missionary Theology': An Asian Perspective," with essay by Paul Clasper. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 142, August 1981
The issue was devoted to the Society's Second Lewis Weekend. Essay: "Observations of a Trustee" by Walter Hooper. Letters. Financial report. Eight pages.

No. 143, September 1981
"Lewis and Chesterton: The Smell of Dew and Thunder," with essay by Jerry Daniel. Book Notes. Eighteen pages.

No. 144, October 1981
"Lewis and Wagner," with essay by John Fitzpatrick. Book Notes by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Notes. Sixteen pages.

No. 145, November 1981
"C.S. Lewis as a Semanticist" with essay by Michael A. Covington. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 146, December 1981
"C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald: A Comparison of Styles," with essay by Gail Horsman. Essay: "Some Notes on Noel" by Carol Ann Brown. Eight pages.

No. 147, January 1982
"God Means What He Says: C.S. Lewis on Forgiveness," with essay by John Morrison. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 148, February 1982
"C.S. Lewis and the Visual Arts" a slide presentation and lecture by William Swetcharnik. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 149, March 1982
"Lewis as Communicator," with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 150, April 1982
Till We Have Faces, with essay, "Who is Ungit?" by Carol Ann Brown. Letters. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 151, May 1982
"Voices of Fire: Eliot, Lewis, Sayers, Chesterton," with essay by John Martin. Notes. Letters. Eighteen pages.

No. 152, June 1982
"C.S. Lewis Considered as a Surrealist," with essay by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 153, July 1982
Minitopics. Essays: "Lewis, Roman Catholicism, and Christopher Derrick" by Tim Corkery; "Reflections Provoked by On Stories" by Eugene McGovern. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 154, August 1982
No meeting. Essay: "A Lewis Capriccio" by John Martin. Notes. Financial report. Eight pages.

No. 155, September 1982
"Deconstruction and Rehabilitation: C.S. Lewis and Critical Theory," with essay by Bruce L. Edwards, Jr. Eight pages.

No. 156, October 1982
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, with essay by Austin and Ruth Turney. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 157, November 1982
"That Glorious Strength: Lewis on Male and Female," with essay by Neil Ribe. Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Twelve pages.

No. 158, December 1982
Brothers and Friends: The Diaries of Major Warren Hamilton Lewis, with essay, "Routes of Regression: Brothers and Friends, Then and Always" by James Como. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 159, January 1983
The use of Lewis's books in education. Letter in Screwtape style translated from the French by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Book Notes. Poem: "On C.S. Lewis" by David Berkeley. Eight pages.

No. 160, February 1983
No meeting because of snowstorm. Essay: "The Writings of Joy Davidman Lewis (1915-1960)" (Part 1), by Paul Leopold. Letters. Ten pages.

No. 161, March 1983
"The Writings of Joy Davidman Lewis" (Part II) with essay by Paul Leopold. Letters. Ten pages.

No. 162, April 1983
"The Short Stories: A Critical Introduction" with essay (Part 1) by John Fitzpatrick. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 163, May 1983
"Science and Technology in the World of C.S. Lewis" with essay by Amedeo D'Adamo. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 164, June 1983
Playing of a tape of Lewis's "The Great Divide." Essay: "The Short Stories: A Critical Introduction" (Part 2), by John Fitzpatrick. Bibliographic Notes. Letters. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 165, July 1983
Discussion "From the Floor," with Jim Como as moderator. Essay: "The Short Stories: A Critical Introduction" (Part 3), by John Fitzpatrick. "Foreign Words in The Discarded Image" by George Musacchio. Eight pages.

No. 166, August 1983
No meeting. Essay: "The Things That Are Caesars!" by Owen Barfield. Notes. Bibliographic Notes. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 167, September 1983
"C.S. Lewis's Images" with essay by Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald. Note. Eight pages.

No. 168, October 1983
"The Search for Joy Davidman" with essay by Lyle Dorsett. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 169, November 1983
"Knowing and Being in C.S. Lewis's 'Great War' with Owen Barfield," with essay by Stephen Thorson. Previously unpublished Lewis letter. Memorial at Yale. "C.S. Lewis and Inklings Societies." Notes. Letters. Book Notes. Sixteen pages.

No. 170, December 1983
"C.S. Lewis's Debt to George MacDonald," with essay by Gregory Wolfe. Notes. Eight pages.
No. 171, January 1984
No meeting because of snowstorm. Essay: "An Interview with C.S. Lewis and Meister Eckhart" by Lawrence Cobb. Notes. Letters. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 172, February 1984
"C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism," with essay by M.D. Aeschliman. Report on "Lewis in Germany" by Hope Kirkpatrick. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 173, March 1984
Playing of tape of the Ninth Annual Wade Lecture, delivered by Douglas Gresham at Wheaton College. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and 'The Nameless Isles': a Metaphor of a Major Change" by Roland M. Kawano. "The 'Great War' Revisited": Response to Dr. Thorson" by Lionel Adey, and "A Reply" by Stephen Thorson. (Note Thorson's essay in the November 1983 issue.) Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Eighteen pages.

No. 174, April 1984
Minitopics: "The Characteristic Blindness of an Age" by Eugene McGovern; "A Letter from Malcolm" by John Helfrich. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 175, May 1984
"A Look into Narnia" by James Como. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Future of the World" by Peter Kreeft. Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Eighteen pages.

No. 176, June 1984
"Lewis as a Writer of Letters" with essay by Peter Hawkins. "The Politics of C.S. Lewis Reconsidered" by Danny M. Adkison. Notes. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 177, July 1984
Discussion "From the Floor" with James Como as moderator. Essay: "A Look into Narnia" by James Como. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 178, August 1984
No meeting. Essay: "Unfinished Business: Reflections on One Aspect of the Lewis Legacy" by Byron Lambert. CSL Weekend Report. Financial report. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 179, September 1984
"Arthurian Torso: Lewis's Commentary on Williams's Arthurian" with essay by Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald. Book Notes. "Lewis's Acceptance of Paganism" by Robert Fisher. "The Need for Belief in the Narnian Chronicles" by Helen Aveling. Letters. Notes. Eighteen pages.

No. 180, October 1984
"A Lewis Pupil, Richard Selig, 1929-1957," with essay by John Kirkpatrick. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 181, November 1984
"Through the Open Door" with essay by Dabney Hart. "Lewis on the Nature of Politics: Reply to Danny Adkison" by Gregory Wolfe. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 182, December 1984
"A Pleasure is Full Grown Only When It is Remembered: The First British C.S. Lewis Conference" with essay by John Morrison. Report on the Inklings Bicycle Tour, July 20 to August 10, 1984. Eight pages.

No. 183, January 1985
"Readings from Lewis" with Clara Sarrocco, Jack Haynes, Barbara J. Zelenko, William Eddy and Loretta Brooks as readers. Essay: "The Ritual Deaths and Rebirths of Elwin Ransom" by Myra Hinman. "Lewis and Friendship" by Matthew Borden. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 184, February 1985
"Readings from A Grief Observed" by Beverly Arlton and Dorothy Hobson Fitzgerald. Essay: "A Gift from the Sky: The Creative Process in Lewis and Sayers" by Lawrence Cobb. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 185, March 1985
Panel discussion of "Lewis's Emancipation of Women" with Linda Bridges, James Como, Jane Cullen, Maggie Goodman, Hope Kirkpatrick and Greg Merchant as panelists, moderated by Robert Merchant. Essay: "On the Obstetrical Interpretation of Perelandra" by E.L. Core. Book Notes. Letter to Cynthia Donnelly. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 186, April 1985
"CSL and GKC: a Four Star Conversation" with essay by John Martin and Jerry Daniel. Notes. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 187, May 1985
"The Friendship of C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams" with essay by Corbin Carnell. "My First Encounter" by Neil Gussman. "A Challenge" by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Book Notes. Notes. Sixteen pages.

No. 188, June 1985
"Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis: The Interplanetary Trilogy of C.S. Lewis" with essay by Nancy-Lou Patterson. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 189, July 1985
Discussion "From the Floor" with James Como as moderator. Essay: "On the Nature of Prohibition in Perelandra" (Part 1), by Richard Hodgens. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 190, August 1985
No meeting. Essay: "On the Nature of Prohibition in Perelandra," (Part 2), by Richard Hodgens. Book Notes. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 191, September 1985
"C.S. Lewis as a Reader of Edmund Spenser" with essay by Katherine Gardiner. Byron Lambert's reply to Vic Reppert. Letters. Notes. Fourteen pages.

No. 192, October 1985
Studies in Words with essay by Hope Kirkpatrick. Eight pages.

No. 193, November 1985
Lewis's poetry with James Como and Linda Bridges as readers and discussion leaders. Essay. "Lewis's Influence on the New Inklings: The Chronicles of Narnia and John White's Tower of Geburah and The Iron Sceptre" by Martha C. Sammons. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 194, December 1985
"C.S. Lewis Between Classes," with essay by Maggie Goodman. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 195, January 1986
Joy Davidman's Weeping Bay with essay by Ruth Turney, and on "C.S. Lewis and Spiritual Direction" with presentation by Tim Corkery. Notes. Letters. Six pages.

No. 196, February 1986
No meeting due to snow. Essay: "Beer, Beowulf, and the English Literature Syllabus, 1936" by Henry William Griffin. Notes. "C.S. Lewis and the Emancipation of Women." "Who Said It?" (Quiz). Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 197, March 1986
"Of Time and Eternity: C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams," with essay by Doreen Anderson Wood. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 198, April 1986
Discussion of the format of future meetings of the Society. Photographic reproduction of "The Detestable Picture" described in Surprised by Joy. Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 199, May 1986
"Abolition of Man, in Vitro" with presentation by Amedeo D'Adamo. Essay: "A Note on the Brown Girl" by Richard Hodgens. "Two-Day Lewis Pilgrimage" by Allen L. Borton. "From A-Roving to Zoo; A Look at Lewis's Vocabulary in Poems, Narrative Poems, and Spirits in Bondage" by Sara Park McLaughlin. Eight pages.

No. 200, June 1986
Lewis readings. Essay: "C.S. Lewis's Dymer: Once More with Hesitation" by Patrick D. Murphy. Eight pages.

No. 201, July 1986
Discussion "From the Floor" with James Come as moderator. Essay: "Lewis and Anscombe - Again" by Victor Reppert. Bibliographic Notes. Book Note. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 202, August 1986
No meeting. Essay: "A Note on a Source in 'Screwtape Proposes a Toast'" by David W. Landrum. Financial report. A Tribute to Clyde S. Kilby, 1902-1986. "An 'Acknowledgement'" by Lex 0. McMillan. "Lewis and the Future Tense" by Matthew Borden. Book Note. "Let Barbarous Things Have Barbarous Names" by Victor Reppert. Bibliographic Notes. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 203, September 1986
"Roots and Shoots: C.S. Lewis and the Evangelicals" with essay by Peter Rodgers. Eight pages.

No. 204, October 1986
"C.S. Lewis on Readers: A Resource for Writers" with essay by Neil Gussman. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 205, November 1986
Letters to an American Lady: "More a wave of the hand than a letter," with essay by Robert Merchant.
"A Lewis Reading Plan for the New Year" by Martin R. Johnson. "Lewis's Memory: A Further Note on a Source in "Screwtape Proposes a Toast" by Charles A. Huttar and Paul Leopold. Letters. Notes. Book Note. Bibliographic Notes. Eighteen pages.

No. 206, December 1986
Panel discussion of Lewis's view of Christmas, with Beverly Arlton, James Como and Lottie Lindberg as panelists. Essay: "Lewis and 'Xmas'" by Lottie Lindberg. Notes on Shadowlands. "Conference at the Kilns" by Bryan Shelley. Bibliographic Notes. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 207, January 1987
Minitopics. Essay: "Large Aims and Modest Claims: The Inklings on Art" by Corbin S. Carnell. "More on Clive Staples Lewis: A Dramatic Life" by William Griffin. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 208, February 1987
"C.S. Lewis and the Latin Letters" with essay by Clara Sarrocco. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 209, March 1987
Till We Have Faces with James Como making the presentation. Essay: "Some Notes on the Inklings" by Robert B. Ives. Bibliographic Notes. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 210, April 1987
"Grace Abounding to the Chief of Skeptics: C.S. Lewis as a Christian Prometheus" with essay by Lex McMillan. Letters. Book Notes. Notes. Sixteen pages.

No. 211, May 1987
Poetry in The Pilgrim's Regress with John Kirkpatrick making the presentation. Essay: "Paradox in Narnia: Unconscious but Inevitable" by Carla Faust Jones. Where Our Readers Live. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 212, June 1987
Showing of Shadowlands. Essay: "Shadowlands: Moving, Beautiful ... and True?" by John Fitzpatrick. A C.S. Lewis - Joy Davidman Chronology. Shadowlands on PBS. Letters. Eight pages.
No. 213, July 1987
Discussion "From the Floor" with James Como as moderator. Essay: "An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia (Published Since 1973)" (Part 1), by Lisa Schildroth. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 214, August 1987
No meeting. Essay: "An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia (Published Since 1973)" (Part 2), by Lisa Schildroth. Letters. Artwork Contest. Notes. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 215, September 1987
Dorothy L. Sayers with presentations by Loretta Brooks, Maggie Goodman and John Martin. Essay: "Dorothy L. Sayers: A Discursive Ramble..." by John Martin. "Report on the Dorothy L. Sayers Society Convention - 1987" by Maggie Goodman. Notice and apologies. Eight pages.

No. 216, October 1987
"C.S. Lewis and the Ministry of Spiritual Direction," with essay by Paul Clasper. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 217, November 1987
"Lewis's Images of the Plan of Creation" with essay by Lottie Lindberg. Letters. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 218, December 1987
Three essays in Present Concerns with presentations by Clara Sarrocco, Mary Ellen Davey and Jerry Daniel ("The Empty Universe"). Essay: "My First School" by Mary Ellen Davey. "Modern Man and His Categories of Thought" by Clara Sarrocco. Notes. Six pages.

No. 219, January 1988
No meeting because of snow. Essay: "The Masks of Lilith: A Comparison of C.S. Lewis's Reading of George MacDonald's Lilith and Till We Have Faces" by Kath Filmer. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 220, February 1988
No meeting because of snow. Essay: "The Concept of Heroism in C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy" by Ronda Chervin. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 221, March 1988
"Lewis and Symonds on Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso" with essay by Richard Hodgens. Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 222, April 1988
"C.S. Lewis as a Book Reviewer" with essay by Jerry Daniel. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 223, May 1988
Lewis's views of the spiritual with essay, "Oops" by John Morrison. Eight pages.

No. 224, June 1988
"Parallels between C.S. Lewis's Surprised by Joy and Francis Thompson's The Hound Of Heaven," with essay by Leo H. Madden. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 225, July 1988
Discussion "From the Floor" with Robert Merchant as moderator. Essay: "The Idea of Magnanimity in C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy" by Linda Vance Lusk. Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Fourteen pages.

No. 226, August 1988
No meeting. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: The Oracle of Elfland" by John Martin. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 227, September 1988
"C. S. Lewis and America's Inner Rings" with essay by Danny M. Adkison. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 228, October 1988
"CSL and You: The Society's Questionnaire" with essay by James Krueger. Book Notes. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 229, November 1988
Commemoration of Lewis on the anniversary of his death and of the Society, founded nineteen years ago. Essay: "An Imaginary Interview" by John Martin. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 230, December 1988
"The Centrality of Rhetoric to an Understanding of C.S. Lewis" with James Como as presenter. Two short essays: "A Tolkienian Note on Rhetoric" and "Take That Look Off Your Face: A Note on Lewis and Joyce." Book Notes. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 231, January 1989
Meeting devoted to "Readings from Lewis" with Walter Ramshaw, Marilyn Driscoll, and Warner Davis as readers. Essay: "Screwtape Thinks Again" by John B. Witchell. Book Reviews. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 232, February 1989
"Of Children and Magic Worlds: The Children's Stories of C.S. Lewis and E. Nesbit (Part 1)" with essay by Mary Ruth Howes. Nesbit Bibliography. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 233, March 1989
Reviews of Sayer's Jack: C.S. Lewis and His Times. Essay: "Of Children and Magic Worlds: The Children's Stories of C. S. Lewis and E. Nesbit" (Part 2), by Mary Ruth Howes; "C.S. Lewis for the C.S. Lewis Fan: Jack by George Sayer" by Barbara J. Zelenko. Book Notes. Eight pages.

No. 234, April 1989
Discussion of Douglas Gresham's talk given at the 1988 Lewis Weekend. Essay: "To Whom is Lewis Writing?: Biographical Continuities in Letters of C. S. Lewis" by Joe R. Christopher. "A Note on Literary Allusions" by Paul Leopold. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 235, May 1989
"The Personal God of George MacDonald" with essay by Bill Bowen. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 236, June 1989
"The Latin Letters, Recalled" with essay by Clara Sarrocco. "Five Sonnets" by Matthew Borden. Eight pages.

No. 237, July 1989
Discussion "From the Floor" with Jim Como as moderator. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Contemporary Christian Philosophy" by Victor Reppert. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 238, August 1989
No meeting. Essay: "Hierarchy and Nobility in Narnia" (Part 1) by Shirley Marney. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 239, September 1989
"Why Lewis is Special" led by Beverly Arlton. Essay: "Hierarchy and Nobility in Narnia" (Part 2) by Shirley Marney. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 240, October 1989
"Nourishment Scenes and Themes in Lewis" with essay by Ronald Curtis Stamps. Eight pages.

No. 241, November 1989
"Sacramental Mysticism in Chesterton and Lewis," presented by Ian Boyd, C.S.B. Essay: "Why Do They Come?" (Comments by long-time Society members). "From Our First Issue." Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 242, December 1989
"Worthwhile Objections to Lewis," presented by Jim Como and John Martin. Essay: "Narnia as Meditation on the Christian Year" by Sr. Brenda Michael. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.


No. 243, January 1990
Objections to some things Lewis wrote, presented by Jim Como. Essay: "A Contemplation of Cultural Literacy" by Michelle Harmon. "Keeping Up with the Bulletin: A Report for Members." Letters. Eight pages.

No. 244, February 1990
James E. Higgins, author of Beyond Words: Mystical Fancy in Children In Literature. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders" by Michael Logsdon. "Don Calabria in English Speaking Countries" by Don Luciano Squizzato. "In Memory of Richard Hodgens" by Mary Gehringer. Book Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 245, March 1990
Honoring Hope Kirkpatrick. "A Tribute to Hope Kirkpatrick" by Eugene McGovern. "A Clear Thinker" (reprinted from the August 1974 Bulletin) by Hope Kirkpatrick. Notes. Eight pages

No. 246, April 1990
Meeting canceled due to weather. Essay: "Truth, Myth, and Revelation in Lewis" by Stephen Thorson. Book Notes. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 247, May 1990
"The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment" by Jack Haynes. Essay: "C.S. Lewis as a Novelist" by Corbin Scott Carnell. Book Review. Notes. Membership update. Letters. Eight pages.

Nos. 248, 249 June-July 1990
June: Wilson Biography; July: Discussion "From the Floor." Special Issue on the Wilson Biography. "Who is this A.N. Wilson and Why is He Saying These Terrible Things about C.S. Lewis?" by John Fitzpatrick; "C.S. Lewis and Adultery" by George Sayer; "Wilson's 'New' Lewis" by Eugene McGovern; "Further In or Farther Out? Whither the 'Cultists'?" by John Fitzpatrick. Letter. Note. Sixteen pages.

No. 250, August 1990
No meeting in August. Essay: "Lewis's Schematic of History: A Conceptual Landscape" by Jay D. Sloan. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 251, September 1990
"A Look Back at Seminal Secondary Sources on C. S. Lewis." Essay: "The First of the Flood: Chad Walsh on Lewis" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "The Apologist Seen Through Baptist Eyes: An Early Look at C.S. Lewis" by Robert Merchant. Notes. Eight pages.

No. 252, October 1990
Report by Margaret Goodman on conferences. Essay: "Escape from New York ... in Search of Permanent Things." Letters. Eight pages.
No. 253, November 1990
"C.S. Lewis on Sacred and Secular Pantheism," led by Dr. William Marra. Essay: "'But This Time It's True': C.S. Lewis and William Law" by Dale J. Nelson. Notes. Letters. Twelve pages.
No. 254, December 1990
"Christian Reunion" and Other Essays presented by James Como. Essay: "Chesterton and Lewis on Romance and Joy" by William J. Isley, Jr. Note. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 255, January 1991
No meeting due to weather. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Sadhu Sundar Singh" by Kathryn Lindskoog. Notes. Letters. Eight pages.

No. 256, February 1991
"C.S. Lewis in the Secular Classroom," with essay by Holly Bigelow Martin. Letters. Note. Eight pages.

No. 257, March 1991
Some thoughts on "Puddleglum," (from The Silver Chair) chaired by Patty Pawlowski; Essay: "Secularism, the Academy, the Arts and C. S. Lewis" by Reverend Mark G. McKim. Letters. Notes. Eight pages.

Nos. 258-259, April-May 1991
April: Panel discussion of The Screwtape Letters; May: "C.S. Lewis as a Critic 'At the Present Time.'" with essay by Linda V. Lusk. Book Notes. Book Reviews. Coming Events. Letters and Excerpts. Sixteen pages.

No. 260, June 1991
Review of All My Road Before Me: The Diary of C.S.Lewis,1922-1927 presented by James Como. Letters and Excerpts. Eight pages.

No. 261, July 1991
Discussion "From the Floor" led by James Como. Essay: "Reality Personified: How Aslan Embodies All That is Real" by Sara McLaughlin. A Tribute. Contents of special Lewis issue by The Chesterton Review. Letters and Excerpts. Eight pages.

No. 262, August 1991
No meeting. Essay: "Regaining Perception: The Ransom Trilogy as a Re-embodiment of the Neoplatonic Model" by Rebecca Totaro. News of Other Groups. Twelve pages.

No. 263, September 1991
Report of the Oxford '91 Conference presented by John Morrison. Essay: "Muses Unbound: Transfiguring the Imagination" by John Morrison. Correction. Letters and Excerpts. Eight pages.

No. 264, October 1991
Review of the revised version of Letters of C.S. Lewis, presented by Barbara J. Zelenko. Essay: "Lewis's Letters Revisited" by Barbara J. Zelenko. "What Kind of Book is A Grief Observed?" by Eugene McGovern. Recent Mentions. Eight pages.

No. 265, November 1991
Panel: "Memoirs by Some Who Knew Lewis." A special tribute to John Kirkpatrick, with essay: "John Kirkpatrick: a Personal Remembrance of His Last Nine Years, 1983-1991" by Robert Young McMahon. "John Kirkpatrick: In Memoriam." Excerpts from John Kirkpatrick's presentations to the Society. Eight pages.

No. 266, December 1991
"Christmas Readings by Lewis and Friends." A special tribute to Jerry Daniel, Bulletin Editor, 1981-1991. Words of appreciation and a reprint of his essay, "The Taste of the Pineapple: A Basis for Literary Criticism." Twelve pages.

No. 267, January 1992
"Reflections on the Past," with the recording of John Kirkpatrick's reading of The Great Dance from Perelandra. Essay: "A C.S. Lewis Miscellany" by Noel Perrin. John Fitzpatrick's review of Inventing the Middle Ages: The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century by Norman P. Cantor. "Lewis and Winston Churchill: A Note Necessarily Short" by Eugene McGovern. Excerpts from Letters. Eight pages.

No. 268, February 1992
Discussion of "The Chesterton Review and CSL." Essay: "Looking Back to Eden: The Poetry of C.S. Lewis" by Luci N. Shaw. Miscellaneous Notes. Eight pages.

No. 269, March 1992
Minitopics, with essays: "Notes on The Pilgrim's Regress" by Joseph Barbiero; "Lewis and Modern Christian Novels" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "C.S. Lewis on the Disappearance of the Individual" by Mark G. McKim. Eight pages.

No. 270, April 1992
Panel discussion on The Great Divorce. Essay: "The City of God Revisited: C. S .Lewis's Debt to Saint Augustine" by Sara McLaughlin. Book Notes. Letter from the Kirkpatrick Family. Twelve pages.

No. 271, May 1992
"Hilaire Belloc and A.N. Wilson" presented by Dr. John McCarthy. Essay: "Action and the Passionate Patient in That Hideous Strength" by Lydia M. McGrew. "Whittaker Chambers on Christmas" by Clara Sarrocco. Book Note. Letters & Excerpts. Eight pages.

No. 272, June 1992
"CSL and the Inner Ring" by Patty Pawlowski. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Apotheosis" by William L. Knecht. Book Notes. Notice of Dom Bede Griffiths' death. Eight pages.

No. 273, July 1992
Discussion "From the Floor" led by Jim Como. Essay: "No Fish for the Phoenix" by Joe R. Christopher. Bits & Pieces. Eight pages.

Nos. 274-275, August-September 1992
No August meeting; September: "Lewis, Columbus, and the Discovery of the New Worlds" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "Pope, Council, Bible and/or Self: Lewis and the Question of Authority" by Robert Merchant (presented at the October meeting). Key Word Concordance for Till We Have Faces, Part 1, by Neil G. Gussman. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 276-277, October-November 1992
October: "Pope, Bible, and/or Self: Lewis and the Question of Authority" by Robert Merchant. November: Panel on" Owen Barfield on Lewis." Essay: "Lewis, Columbus, and the Discovery of the New Worlds" by Eugene McGovern (presented at the September meeting). Key Word Concordance for Till We Have Faces, Part 2, by Neil G. Gussman. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 278-279, December 1992 - January 1993
December meeting canceled due to weather; January: Mini-topics; Essay reprint: "Jack the Giant Killer" by A.D. Nuttall. Letters. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

No. 280, February 1993
Meeting canceled due to weather. Essay: "A Legacy of Truth: The Influence of George MacDonald's Unspoken Sermons on C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity" by Sara Park McLaughlin. Reviews. Bits & Pieces. CSL Word Puzzle. September meeting Report. Letters. Editor's Notes. Twelve pages.

No. 281, March 1993
The Screwtape Letters led by Eugene McGovern. Excerpt from Critical Essays on C.S. Lewis, edited by George Watson of St. John's College, Cambridge. CSL Word Puzzle Solution (CSL #280). Eight pages.

No. 282, April 1993
No meeting, Good Friday. Essay: "Shadowlands IV" by James Como (presented at the December 1993 meeting) . December meeting report. Eight pages.

Nos. 283-284, May-June 1993
May: George MacDonald, by Joseph Barbiero and Lottie Lindberg; June: "A Walk with Lewis." Essay reprint from The Lamp-Post: "Learning Christian Behavior: The Path of Virtue in The Chronicles
of Narnia" by Msgr. Robert C. Trupia; "Do Angels Have Wings?" by Amy N. Staufer; "Heavenly Adventure" by David Toronto. "The Great Dance - Stanzas in Perelandra Typed Experimentally as Free Verse" by John Kirkpatrick; "Echoes of George MacDonald's Lilith in the Works of C.S. Lewis" by Corbin Scott Carnell. Letters. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 285-286 July-August 1993
July: Discussion "From the Floor" led by Jim Como; no meeting August. Essay: "C. S. Lewis's John Milton: Influence, Presence, and Beyond" by Prof. Frank S. Kastor. "Notes on a Few Misprints and Such in Lewis's Works" by Eugene McGovern. "Connecting Lewis" by Hal Weatherby. Letter. Sixteen pages.

No. 287, September 1993
Honoring Jerry Daniel, Bulletin Editor, 1981-1991. A reading of Jerry's "Thoughts from the Hospital" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "C. S. Lewis and Animals: The Road to Whipsnade" by John Martin (presented at the January 1994 meeting). Eight pages.

No. 288, October 1993
"Four Favorite Essays" by Bill McClain. Essay: "Thoughts From the Hospital" by Jerry Daniel. "Jerry Daniel Remembered" (a series of remembrances). Letters. Eight pages.

No. 289, November 1993
Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Lewis's death. Essay: "The Centrality of Rhetoric to an Understanding of C.S. Lewis" by James Como. Eight pages.

No. 290, December 1993
Review of Shadowlands IV by James Como. "First Meeting with Lewis" by Marilyn Driscoll. "Encountering Lewis" by Jack Haynes. "Lewis via Screwtape" by Rich Sherry. "A Moment Frozen in Time" by Clara Sarrocco. "How I Discovered C.S. Lewis" by William McClain. Letters. Bits & Pieces. Eight pages.

Nos. 291- 292, January-February 1994
January: "C. S. Lewis and Animals: The Road to Whipsnade" by John Martin; February meeting canceled due to weather. Essay: "Courtesy and Self in the Thought of Charles Williams and C.S. Lewis" by Charles Franklyn Beach (presented at the March 1994 meeting) . Book Note. Letter. Twelve pages.

Nos. 293-294, March-April 1994
March: "Courtesy and Self in the Thought of Charles Williams and C.S. Lewis" by Charles Franklyn Beach; April: "Belloc, Chesterton and Lewis vs. Darwin" by George Johnson. "Lewis's Poetry: A Preliminary Exploration" by James Prothero. "Homeliness, Strangeness and Receptivity: Paths to Aslan's Country in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" by Tim Lambarski. C.S.L. Double Crostic by Paul Leopold. Twelve pages.

Nos. 295-296, May-June 1994
May: "C.S. Lewis's Letters to Arthur Greeves" by Eugene McGovern; June: readings from The Great Divorce led by John Martin. Essay: "The Framed Narrative in Perelandra" by James Washick. "Those Infinite Lands of Uncertainty: George MacDonald and the Fantastic Imagination" by Jonathan Alexander. "McGovern and Wrong: A Note" by Paul Leopold. Book Notes. Bits and Pieces. Letter. Book Review. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 297-299 July-September 1994
25th Anniversary Celebration Issue. July: "From the Floor" led by James Como; August: Lewis Weekend, 25th Anniversary Celebration; September: "Discussion on The Future of the New York Society" by Eugene McGovern. Essay: "A Seeing Eye" by James Como. Lewis Weekend Program. "The Greeves Letters as Seen by Arthur Greeves" by Eugene McGovern. Two New Letters of C.S. Lewis. Greeting from Walter Hooper. "In Search of the Real C.S. Lewis" by William Griffin. Reflections on the Weekend. Thirty-two pages.

No. 300, October 1994
"A Visit to the Wade Collection" by Bill McClain. "Translations of Latin, Greek and French Phrases from Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature and from The Pilgrim's Regress," by Neil Gussman. Poem: "For Eustace" by John Savoie. C.S.L. Double Crostic No. 2. Letters. Eight pages.

Nos. 301-302, November-December 1994
November: A Celebration of the Society's 25th Anniversary; "How Lewis Found Me and How I Found the New York C.S. Lewis Society" led by James Como; December: "Christmas Readings, mostly CSL." First CSL Bulletin reprint. "The Incarnation in the Works of C. S. Lewis - Notes in Outline" by Byron Lambert. A Last Look at the 1994 Weekend. Sixteen pages.

No.303, January 1995
"On Walking - By Lewis and Others" by Joseph Barbiero. Essay: "Echoes of Epic in Lewis's The Great Divorce" by Clover Holly Gatling, Ph.D. Eight pages.

Nos. 304-305, February-March 1995
February: "Natural Law and C.S. Lewis" by Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J.; March: "C.S. Lewis, Courtly Love, and Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde" with essay by Charles Franklyn Beach. Book Review. Twelve pages.

No. 306, April 1995
No meeting, Good Friday. Essay presented at the February meeting: "C.S. Lewis and the Natural Law" by Fr. Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. Letter. Eight pages.

Nos. 307-308, May-June 1995
May: "Reminiscences of a Student of Lewis and Tolkien" by Prof. Veronica Kennedy. June: a report on the Cambridge '94 Lewis Symposium by John Morrison. Essay: "How to Go to Heaven, Not How the Heavens Go" by John Morrison. Letter. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 309-310, July-August 1995
July: "From the Floor" led by James Como; August, no meeting. Essay: "Mere Lewis" (a reprint from The Wilson Quarterly) by James Como. Remembrances of Walter Ramshaw. Twelve pages.

Nos. 331-312, September-October 1995
September: "Lewis & Dickens: Crime Writers" by Joe Barbiero. October: "Posthumous Journeys: The Great Divorce and Other Travels to Eternity" by Margaret Goodman; "Improbable Journeys: The Space Trilogy" by John Martin. Essay: "The Poison That Brewed in the West" by Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim (presented at the November 1995 meeting). "Browsing Through Lewis's Letters to Children" by Sondra Gordon Longford. Book Notes. Correction. Letter. Twelve pages.

Nos. 313-314, November-December 1995
November: "The Poison That Brewed in the West" by Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim; December: Christmas Readings. Essay: "Posthumous Journeys: The Great Divorce and Other Travels to Eternity" by Margaret Goodman. Reprint of "The Christian Spaceman - C. S. Lewis" by Edmund Fuller (from Horizon). Sixteen pages.

No. 315, January 1996
January meeting canceled because of snow. A review: "A Singular Joy: The Latin Letters Between Father G. Calabria and C.S. Lewis in a New Latin Edition" by Luciano Squizzato (translated by Clara Sarrocco). The Eagle and Child. The Father Christmas Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien reviewed by Clara Sarrocco. "Some Reflections on the Spirituality of C. S. Lewis" (synopsis of James Como's February presentation). Letters. Book Note. Eight pages.

No. 316, February 1996
"Reflections on the Spirituality of C.S. Lewis" by James Como. Essay: "Lewis and Samuel Johnson's Rasselas: Hearing the Call of Sehnsucht" by Samuel Joeckel. Excerpt from "Mere Lewis: The C.S. Lewis Mailing List, Vol. 171." Letters. Book Note. Eight pages.

Nos. 317-318, March-April 1996
March meeting canceled because of snow. April: "C. S. Lewis on Man's Free Will and God's Sovereignty: A Paradox" by William McClain. Essay: "C. S. Lewis and Liberal Christianity" by Mineko Honda. Letters. Book Note. "Source or Influence?" "The Donkey and the Lion's Skin" from The Fables of Avianus, tr. by David R. Slavitt. Photograph of Lewis. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 319-320, May-June 1996
May: "Lewis and the Patristic Interpretation of Literature" by Dr. Thomas Swanzey; June: "Readings on English Walks" by Joe Barbiero. Essay: "A Jesuit Pupil Sits in Judgment on Lewis" by James Tetreault. Reprint from May 1986 CSL: "A Note on the Brown Girl" by Richard Hodgens. A letter from Stan Mattson of the C. S. Lewis Foundation. May 1996 meeting report. Twelve pages.

Nos. 321-322 July-August 1996
July: "From the Floor" led by James Como. August, no meeting. Essay: "Seeing Clearly in The Silver Chair" by Devin G. Brown and Wm. Lane M. Robson. Reprint from Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: "C.S. Lewis on Creation and Evolution: The Acworth.Letters, 1944-1960" by Gary B. Ferngren and Ronald L. Numbers. Letter. Book Note. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 323-324, September-October 1996
September: Review of Walter Hooper's C. S. Lewis: A Companion & Guide by James Como; October: Miracles by Phyllida Link. A review of The Man Who Created Narnia: The Story of C. S. Lewis (author, Michael Coren) by Sondra Langford. "My Encounter with Joy" By Hilary Schlesinger. An appeal from St. Mark's of Belfast, Ireland. Photograph of J.R.R. Tolkien. Twelve pages

Nos. 325-326, November-December 1996
November: "Pilgrimage in the Writings of C.S. Lewis" by Charles Beach; December: John Martin's Stargazer read by John Martin and Margaret Goodman. "Ramifications" by Charlie Starr. Book Notes. Note. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 327-328, January-February 1997
January: "Theology in That Hideous Strength" by Neil Gussman. February: Skits on Screwtape by Robert C. Rhodes with various readers. Reprint from Christian Scholar's Review: "C.S. Lewis on the Desolation of De-valued Science" by Bruce R. Reichenbach. Book Notes. Bits & Pieces. Letter. Sixteen pages.

No. 329 March 1997
"The Relationship of Lewis's Writing to Myth" by Lori Pieper. Essay: "God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will in the Thought of C.S. Lewis" by Will Vaus. Eight pages.

Nos. 330-331 April-May 1997
April: "Desire and Duty: Metaphors Borrowed by Lewis from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" by Teddy and Marilyn Bader. May: "Twenty Years Later: Reflections on a Second Reading (Non-Stop) of Mere Christianity" by Juan Ryan. "More Bibliographic Notes: 1. Holographs; 2. Books and Poems; 3. Essays, Diaries, etc.; 4. Letters, Parts A and B" by Stephen Thorson and Jerry Daniel. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 332-333 June-July 1997
June: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer chaired by Bill McClain. July: "From the Floor" led by James Como. Essay: "C.S. Lewis on God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility" by William McClain (presented at the April 1996 meeting). A list of C.S. Lewis Societies and Organizations. Poem: "Escapism" by Charlie Starr. Sixteen pages.

No. 334 August 1997
No meeting. An identification. Bits & Pieces. Book Notes. Reprint: "The Conscience and Moral Reasoning" by Robert Merchant. Eight pages.

Nos. 335-336 September-October 1997
September: Till We Have Faces chaired by James Como; October: The Discarded Image by Neil Gussman. Lewis Weekend (August 1998) Announcement. Essay: "Jane Austen's Influence on C.S. Lewis" by Ted Bader (presented at the April 1997 meeting). Book Notes. Letters. Note. Reprint of Oxford University's presentation of the C.S. Lewis Centenary Stone (erected along Addison's walk). Mythopoeic Conference on Lewis. Twenty pages.

Nos. 337-338, November-December 1997
November: Charles Williams's The Place of the Lion presented by Charles Beach. December: a group reading of Dorothy Sayers' play He That Shall Come, directed by Maggie Goodman. Essay: "Tides of Timelessness" by James Como. C.S. Lewis News (coming events) . Arthur Greeves. Letters. Poem: "A Thanksgiving" by W.H. Auden. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 339-340-341, January-February-March 1998
January: "Christmas Readings" A continuation of December's Christmas readings, chaired by Mary Gehringer; February: Boethius's The Consolation of Philosophy by Neil Gussman (a work CSL regarded highly); March: Discussion on essays in God in the Dock moderated by Bill McClain. Commemorative issue for Owen Barfield. Reprints of essays and publications related to Owen Barfield. New York Times Obituary. "An Evening with Owen Barfield" : Report of the May 1972 Society meeting. Essays by Owen Barfield: "Philology and the Incarnation," "The Sound of Friendship," "C.S. Lewis and Historicism" and "The Things That are Caesar's." "A Toast" by James Como. Twenty-four pages.

No. 342 April 1998
No April meeting, Good Friday. Essay: "C.S. Lewis and the Chinese" by Paul Clasper. Bits & Pieces. Letters. Books. CSL Weekend Announcement. Eight pages.

Nos. 343-344, May-June 1998
May: Selections from C.S. Lewis's Poetry by Patty Pawlowski; June: George MacDonald's Phantastes presented by Charles Beach. Essay: "The Significance of the East in C. S. Lewis's The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Other Narnia Stories: Topos or Cosmos?" by Dr. Salwa Khoddam. Notes on Charles Beach's June Phantastes presentation. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 345-347, July-August-September 1998
July: "From the Floor" by James Como. August: Lewis Weekend, Our Centenary Celebration; September: The Problem of Pain by Lori Pieper. Gleanings from the Weekend: "Jack-100" by James Como. "C. S. Lewis: Map-Maker for the Next Millennium" by Walter Hooper. "Screwtape Proposes a New Toast" by Rabbi Mayer Schiller. Publication Announcements. Weekend photographs. Twenty-four pages.

No. 348, October 1998
October: James Como introduced his new publication Branches from Heaven. Essay "Rhetorica Religii" by James Como. Twelve pages.

Nos. 349-350 November-December 1998
November: "Kathy Keller and Her Childhood Correspondence with C.S. Lewis." December: A group reading of Dorothy Sayers' play A Man Born to Be King, directed by Maggie Goodman. Essay: "C.S. Lewis: Irish Saint and Scholar" by Frank Sullivan Kastor (delivered at the August Weekend). Book. Letters. Notes. Twelve pages.

Nos. 351-352, January-February 1999
January: No meeting because of snow. February: "Lewis and Friends on Fairy Tales" chaired by Clara Sarrocco and Jim Como. Essay: "CSL in the OED" by David Clarke. Chesterton essays: "Straws in the Wind" and "Encore!" Sixteen pages.

Nos. 353-354, March-April 1999
March: Three MacDonald Fairy Tales with essays: "George MacDonald and The Light Princess" by Robert Trexler; "MacDonald's The Lost Princess" by James Carroll; "Thoughts on The Golden Key" by Eric Wurthmann. April: "The Spiritual Writings of C. S. Lewis," with essay, "From Skeptic to Believer" by Linda Bridges. Bits & Pieces. Book Notes. Twenty pages.

Nos. 355-356, May-June 1999
May: "The Virgin Mary and C. S. Lewis" by Barbara J. Zelenko, and "The Virgin Mary in England" by John Martin. June: Oxbridge '98 report by John Morrison. Essay: "The Pilgrim's Regress: A Way of Detachment" by Setsko Nakao. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 357-358, July-August 1999
July: "From the Floor" with Jim Como. August: No Meeting. Essays: "Oxbridge '98: A Call to be 'Loose in the Fire'" by John Morrison; "C. S. Lewis and the Virgin Mary" by Barbara J. Zelenko; "The Virgin Mary in England" by John Martin. Editor's Corner. Letters Bits & Pieces. Twenty pages.

No. 359, September 1999
Discussion of The Screwtape Letters, moderated by Clara Sarrocco. Essay: "Magic Rings in C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien" by James Edwards. Letters. Bits & Pieces. Twelve pages.

Nos. 360-362, October-December 1999
"Disobedience and Self-Discovery: A Search for Meaning in Til We Have Faces" by Jim Como; Letters & 30th Anniversary Photographs; Lewis Weekends Remembered, by Lottie Frein; Tribute to Deceased Members, by Jim Tetrealt; From the Editor; a group reading of Dorothy L. Sayers' "the King's Herald," from The Man Born to be King, coordinated by Maggie Goodman. Twenty-four Pages.

A Chronological Summary of Contents            2000 - 2024


No. 363, January 2000
Charles Beach discussed Charles Williams' All Hallows' Eve. Essay: "C. S. Lewis and Dante" by James Tetreault. September, October, & November 1999 meeting reports. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 364, February 2000
James Stephens' The Crock of Gold was discussed by Tim Corkory. Essay: "Dorothy L. Sayers and God's 'Terrier'" by Dr. Rosamond Kent Sprague. January meeting report. Notes: "All Hallows' Eve Characters and Plot Summary" by Charles Beach. "C. S. Lewis in the Shorter OED" by David Clarke. Sixteen pages.

No. 365, March 2000
Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J., discussed The Discarded Image. Essay: "The Bible and the Word of God " by Joshua Pong. "C. S. Lewis Memories of a Godfather." Letters. February meeting report. Bits & Pieces. Twelve pages.

Nos. 366-367, April-May 2000
April meeting: "George MacDonald's Childlike Theology - A Historical View" by Bob Trexler. May meeting on the friendship of C. S. Lewis with Sister Penelope by Clara Sarrocco. Essay: "C. S. Lewis on Scripture" by Will Vaus. Letters. March meeting report. Sixteen pages.

No. 368, June 2000
The meeting focused on members' favorite C. S. Lewis books. Essay: "The Kingliness of Friendship: C. S. Lewis and Sister Penelope" by Clara Sarrocco. Letters. May meeting report. Bits & Pieces. Book Review. "C. S. Lewis's Godson Speaks in New York City." Sixteen pages.

No. 369, July 2000
A "From the Floor" discussion moderated by James Como. Essay: "Out of the Silent Planet - and Beyond" by Dr. William C. Zehringer. Bits & Pieces. Eight pages.
Nos. 370-371, August-September 2000
No meeting in August. September: Helen Smith made connections between C. S. Lewis and George Orwell. Essays: "Ungit and Orual: Facts, Mysteries, and Epiphanies" and "C. S. Lewis's Anti-anti-Semitism in The Great Divorce" by Kathryn Lindskoog. Remarks on The Weight of Glory by Maggie Goodman. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

Nos. 372-373, October-November 2000
October: "The T-shirt & the Psalm: C. S. Lewis and The Problem of Pain," by Robert Merchant. November: Frank Drollinger on J.R.R. Tolkien. Essay: "C. S. Lewis on Weird Fantasy" by Dale J. Nelson. "Loving The Four Loves" by Clara Sarrocco. Sixteen pages.

No. 374, December 2000
A reading of "A Certain Nobleman" from The Man Born to be King by Dorothy L. Sayers, coordinated by Maggie Goodman; "From Ogre to Buffoon: Uncle Andrew in The Magician's Nephew as a Portrait of Robert Capron," an essay by David C. Downing; Letters. Eight pages.

No. 375, January 2001
Discussion of Out of the Silent Planet, Moderated by Eric Wurthman. Essay:"The T-shirt & the Psalm: C. S. Lewis and The Problem of Pain," by Robert Merchant. Letters. October Meeting Report. Bits & Pieces. Twelve pages.

No. 376, February 2001
Discussion of Perelandra, Moderated by Jim Como. Essay: "JRR Tolkien & The Twentieth Century", by Frank Drollinger. G.E.M Ansolme, RIP. Reports of the November and December and January Meetings. Bits & Pieces. "The Quotable Lewis" by David Clarke. Sixteen pages.

No. 377, March 2001
"Thoughts on Some Characters in Malory" by Patty Pawlowski. Essay: "A Grief Observed as Free Verse", by Don King. Bits and Pieces. Book Reviews: CS Lewis and the Bright Shadow of Reality (by Gerard Reed) and The Imaginative World of CS Lewis: A Way to Participate in Reality (by Mineko Honda) reviewed by Charles F. Beach. Twelve pages.

No. 378, April 2001
No meeting due to Good Friday. Essay: The Oxford Manichee", by Kenneth E. Dupuy. Letters. Harper-Collins Aquires Worldwide Rights to C.S. Lewis Oeuvre (from Publisher's Weekly). Articles Referencing Out of the Silent Planet from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database. Bits & Pieces. Twelve pages.

No. 379-380, May-June 2001
May: "Warren Lewis", by Alejandra Como.
June: "Charles William's Talliessin Through Logres," by Charles F. Beach.
Essay: "Present Concerns: New Narnia Stories and Lewis Documentaries," by Robert Trexler. Comments from Mere Lewis List-Serve. The Harper San Francisco Memo. "A New Distinction" (a Guest Editorial) by Jim Como. "Articles Referencing Perelandra." Reports of February, March, and May Meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 381-382, July-August 2001
July: "From The Floor," moderated by Jim Como. August: No meeting. Essay: "More Bibliographic Notes - Update 2001," by Stephen Thorson. Letter to the Editor. "Articles on That Hideous Strength." "Foothills To Mountaintops" by Robert C. Stroud. "Eric Bently on C.S. Lewis." (From NY Times article.) Sixteen pages.

No. 383-384, September-October 2001
September: Meeting canceled due to terrorist attack. October: "C.S. Lewis & Ecumenism," by Kevin Offner. Essay: "Little-Known Books In Lewis's Background: Part II," by Dale J. Nelson. Bits & Pieces. Book Review of C.S. Lewis, Poet (Don King) reviewed by Dale J. Nelson. Report of the October Meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 385-386, November-December 2001
November: "A Layman's Approach to Miracles," by Bill McClain. December: A reading of "The Heirs to the Kingdom," from The Man Born to be King by Dorothy L. Sayers, coordinated by Maggie Goodman Essay: "The Hegemony of the Tao," by Joshua Pong. Book Review: C.S. Lewis: Collected Family Letters 1905-1931 (ed. Walter Hooper) reviewed by Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim. Book Reviews: JRR Tolkien: Author of the Century (by Tom Shippley) and Tolkien: Man & Myth (by Joseph Pearce) reviewed by Charles F. Beach. Report of the November Meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 387, January-February 2002
January: Discussion of That Hideous Strength, moderated by Lottie Frein. February: The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers (Vol. 1): A Tasting Menu, by Margaret Goodman.
Essay: "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wastebasket: Discarded Fragments of the Narnia Chronicles," by David Downing. Oxbridge 2002 Announcement. Narnia 2004 Movie Announcement. Letters. Bits & Pieces. Book Review: The Inklings Handbook (Colin Duriez and David Porter) reviewed by Dale J. Nelson. Report of the June Meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 388, March-April 2002
March: "C.S. Lewis and Existentialism," by Tim Corkery. April: "The Queen of Drum from Narrative Poems", by Patti Pawlowski.
Essay: "Hippolytus and the Queen of Drum," by Jan Stewart. Bits & Pieces. Report of the July 2001 Meeting. Report of the December 2001 Meeting. Movie Review: The Magic Never Ends, reviewed by Jim Como. "Lewis and The Angel in the House," by Dale J. Nelson. Sixteen pages.

No. 389, May-June 2002
May: The Wind in the Willows (by Kenneth Graham) presentation and moderated discussion by Jim Como. June: War in Heaven (by Charles Williams) presentation and moderated discussion by Charles F. Beach.
Essay: "The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers Vol 1: A Tasting Menu", by Margaret Goodman. Book Review: The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: Vols. 1-4 (edited by Barbara Reynolds) reviewed by Charles F. Beach. Report of the May Meeting. Bits & Pieces. Twenty pages.

No. 390, July-August 2002
July: From the Floor, Moderated by Jim Como
August: No Meeting Essay: "Island Imagery in the Ransom Trilogy", by Raymond P. Tripp, Jr.. Letters. Book Review: The Most Reluctant Convert (David Downing) Reviewed by Frank Drollinger. "Reading Letters to an American Lady as Spiritual Direction" by Martha Patton. Report of the March meeting. Report of the April Meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 391, September-October 2002
September: C.S. Lewis Collected Letters Vol. 1 (edited by Walter Hooper) by Linda Bridges. October: C.S. Lewis & Francis Schaeffer (Scott Burson and Jerry Walls) by Bill McClain. Essay: "Little-Known Works in Lewis's Background: A Third Selection," by Dale J. Nelson. Walden Media Press Releases. Book Review: The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life (Armand M. Nicoli, Jr.) Reviewed by Jim Como. Letters. Report of the July Meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 392, November-December 2002
November: "C.S. Lewis and Pacifism," by Robert Merchant. December: A Reading of "The Bread From Heaven," from The Man Born To Be King (Dorothy L. Sayers) Coordinated by Margaret Goodman. Essay: "Harry Potter and the Inklings: The Christian Meaning of The Chamber of Secrets," by John Granger. Bits & Pieces. Report of the June Meeting. Report of the September Meeting.

No.. 393, January-February 2003
January: “Oxbridge 2002” by John Morrison
February: “The Three Phases of Joy Davidman” by Clara Sarrocco. Essay: “C.S. Lewis and Pacifism” by Robert Merchant.
Letters. Bits & Pieces. Reports of the October and November 2002 meetings. Book Review: Surprised by C.S.Lewis, George MacDonald, and Dante: An Array of Original Discoveries by Kathryn Lindskoog. Sixteen pages.

No. 394, March-April 2003
March: “The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers ‘Revisited’” by Margaret Goodman.
April: “C.S.Lewis On Humility” by Kevin Offner. Essays: “C.S. Lewis on Total Depravity: A Case of Mistaken Identity” by Doug Falls.
“Four-Thousand Dollars, Was It Worth It? - Oxbridge 2002” by John Morrison.
“If You Like Lewis, You Might Like. . . .” by Lou Markos.
Review: The Masques of Amen House by Charles Williams. Bits & Pieces. Report on the February 2003 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 395, May-June 2003
May: “George MacDonald: Merging Myth and Method” by Robert Trexler..
June: An Experiment in Criticism moderated by Charles Beach.
Essay:”The Three Phases of Joy Davidman” by Clara Sarrocco.
Bits & Pieces. Notes on The Screwtape Letters Comic book by Jack Haynes. Reports on the December 2002, January and March 2003 meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 396, July-August 2003
July: “From the Floor” moderated by James Como.
August: No meeting.. The CSL Weekend Symposium
Essays: “George MacDonald: Merging Myth and Method” by Robert Trexler.
“Religion, Love and Life in Till We Have Faces” by Nicholas Nehamas.
Report on the April 2003 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 397, September-October 2003
September: Discussion of The Four Loves moderated by Barbara Zelenko
October: “On G.K. Chesterton” by Frank Drollinger.
Essays: “A Prophetic Realist or Broadening the Lewisian Context”” by James Como.
“The Dangers of a Values-Free Education: C.S. Lewis and The Abolition of Man” by Louis Markos. “Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis” by David W. Downing.
“The Abolition of Woman” Dorothy L. Sayers and C.S. Lewis” by Crystal Downing.
Reports on the N.Y. C.S. L. Society Weekend Symposium - August 8-10 2003 and the September 2003 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 398 November-December 2003.
November: G.K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man by James Como.
December: A reading of "The Feast of Tabernacles" from The Man Born to be King by Dorothy L. Sayers coordinated by Margaret Goodman. Essays: "Screwtape and the Historical Jesus" by Patrick Gray and "C.S. Lewis in the University: His Life and Faith as a Guide for Us" by Ron Ratliff. Bits and Pieces. October and November meeting reports. 16 pages.

No. 399, January-February 2004
January: "C.S. Lewis and The Idea of the Holy" by Clara Sarrocco. February: C.S. Lewis*s The Personal Heresy by Charles Beach. Essays: "Perelandra and Science Fiction" by Chiara Sgro; "Lewis Quotes in the 3rd Edition OED" by David Clarke. May and June 2003 meeting reports. Twenty pages.

No. 400, March-April 2004
March: "Lewis on Women" by Kevin Offner. April: No meeting - Good Friday. Essays: "Silent Music of Ruth Pitter" by Don King; "Martyn Skinner" by Dale Nelson. December 2003 and January 2004 meeting reports. Bits & Pieces. Book Review by Dale Nelson: Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth by John Garth. Twenty pages.

No. 401, May-June 2004
May: "C.S. Lewis and Kierkegaard" by Robert Scheidt. June: "Charles Williams*s Descent into Hell" by Sue Wendling. Essays: "Harry Potter Is a Hobbit: Rowling, Tolkien, and the Question of Readership" by Amy H. Sturgis; "Private Passions
in the Public Square" (Lewisian reflections on Mel Gibson*s The Passion of the Christ) by James Como. Bits & Pieces. Book Reviews by Robert Trexler: Frodo & Harry: Understanding Visual Media andIts Impact On Our Lives by Ted Baeher and Tom Snyder; Looking for God in Harry Potter by John Granger; Imagination and the Arts in C.S. Lewis by Peter Schakel. February and March 2004 meeting reports. Twenty-four pages.

No. 402, July-August, 2004
July: "From the Floor" moderated by James Como. August: No meeting. Essays: "Signs and C.S. Lewis" (The Meaning of Meaning, How Hobbits are Real, and The Value of Film) by Charlie W. Starr; "Paradox and Sanity in The Man Who Was Thursday" by
Frank Drollinger. Book Review by Charles Franklin Beach: The Crisis and the Quest: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Charles Williams by Stephen M. Dunning. May and June 2004 meeting reports. Sixteen pages.

No. 403, September-October 2004
September: Discussion of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe moderated by Rev. Fred Herwaldt. October: "Historical Imagination in Till We Have Faces" by Lori Pieper. Essays: "C.S. Lewis and The Idea of the Holy" by Clara Sarrocco; "The Elusiveness of Joy" by Douglas Fall. Letters. Bits & Pieces. Book Review by James Como: The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Vol. II: Books, Broadcasts, and the War 1931-1949. Ed. Walter Hooper. July 2004 meeting report. Sixteen pages.

No. 404, November-December 2004
November: Discussion of the PBS series: "The Question of God: Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis" moderated by James Como. 35th Anniversary Celebration. December: A reading of "The Light and the Life" from Dorothy Sayers* The Man Born to be King, coordinated by Margaret Goodman. Essays: "Little Known Books in Lewis*s Back-
ground: A Fourth Selection" by Dale Nelson; "C.S. Lewis Meets Søren Kierkegaard" by Robert B. Scheidt. Two Book Reviews by Charles Franklin Beach: Poetry of Dorothy L. Sayers, Ed. Ralph E. Hone; Sayers on Holmes: Essays and Fiction on Sherlock Holmes. Letter. September and October 2004 meeting reports. Sixteen pages.

No. 405. January-February 2005
January: The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume II by Linda Bridges. February: John Lawlor’s C.S. Lewis: Memories & Reflections by Joe Sweeney. Essay: “C.S.Lewis: The Case for Apologetics” (Presented to The N.Y. C.S. Lewis Society, October 16, 2004 - 35th Anniversary Lecture at Fordham University) by Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. “Two Lewis Letters from Time and Tide” by Peter Miskech. Tribute to Paul Holmer. November and December 2004 meeting reports. Sixteen pages.

No. 406. March-April 2005
March: “A Preface to Paradise Lost” by James Como. April: “C.S. Lewis and the Ebb and Flow of Faith” by William McClain. Essays:”Descent Into Hell as Poem: The Centrality of Poetry to Charles Williams’s Prose” by Susan Wendling. “Winter Wardrobe” by Andrew Coffin. 2005 Lectures and Conferences. January 2005 meeting report. Sixteen pages.

No. 407. May-June 2005
May: “George MacDonald’s Lilith” by Robert Trexler. June: “English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Parts 1 and 2” by Charles Beach. Essays: “C.S. Lewis’s Vision of Heaven” by Charlie Starr. “Mere Worship: C.S. Lewis and the Art of Adoration” by Milton L. Rhodes, Ph.D. “Wagner, Holst, Sibelius: Lewis’s Interest in Three Composers” by Dale Nelson. Book Reviews: Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues by Mark Eddy Smith, reviewed by Frank Drollinger. Writing Performances: The Stages of Dorothy L. Sayers by Crystal Downing, reviewed by Margaret Goodman. The Art of God: Lectures on The Great Poets by George MacDonald, reviewed by Norm Mundhenk. Excerpts from a Narniaweb interview with Douglas Gresham. Letters. February, March, April 2005 meeting reports. Twenty pages

.No. 408. July-August 2005
July: “From the Floor” moderated by James Como. August: No meeting. Essay: “The Shame of Glad Surrender Stood Confessed: C.S. Lewis and Confession” by Adam Barkman. Book Reviews - “New C.S. Lewis Books for 2005” by Robert Trexler. May 2005 meeting report. Twenty pages.

No. 409. September-October 2005
September: “A Grief Observed moderated by Barbara Zelenko. October: “The Views of History of C.S. Lewis and Christopher Dawson” by Frank Drollinger. Essays: “Bibliographic Notes-Update 2005: Part 1” by Stephen Thorson. Book Review: Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis by David C. Downing, reviewed by Dale Nelson. July 2005 meeting report. Sixteen pages.

No. 410. November-December 2005
November: “Lewis and Desire’ by Patrick Burke. December: Meeting canceled due to weather. Essays: “Christ According to the ‘Gospel’ of Aslan” by Sister Helen Sanchez, M.F. “CS. Lewis Bibliography-Update 2005: Part 2” by Stephen Thomson. Book Reviews: Into the Wardrobe: CS. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles by David C. Downing, reviewed by Jorge Crespo. Meeting God in The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe by Sara McLaughlin, reviewed by Clara Sarrocco. June and September 2005 meeting reports. Twenty pages.

No. 411. January-February 2006
January: “That Hideous Strength - A Lewisian Apocrypha” by Kenneth Dupuy. February: “Report on Oxbridge 2005" by John Morrison. Essay: “The Enclosed Garden in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia” by Salwa Khoddam. “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: A Movie Review” by Louis Markos. “Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Not Quite a Movie Review” by James Como. Book Review: A Morning After War: C.S. Lewis and WW I reviewed by Dale Nelson. Bits & Pieces. November 2005 meeting report. Twenty pages.

No. 412. March-April 2006
March: “Discussion of the Movie: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” moderated by James Como. April: Good Friday - No meeting. Essay: “The Harper Collins Narnia Spin-offs” by Kate Winzenburg. “Little-Known Books (and a Little-Known Story) in Lewis’ Background: A Fifth Selection” by Dale Nelson. Letters. 2005 Bulletin Contents. January and February 2006 Meeting Reports. Sixteen pages.

No. 413. May-June 2006
May: “Theology as Poetry” by Patrick Burke. June: “C.S. Lewis and Science Fiction” by Eric Wurthmann. Essay: “C.S. Lewis and the Reflective Christian” by William J. McClain (Presented to the New York C.S. Lewis Society April 8, 2005). “Two Out of Three-Not Good Enough” (Adamson’s Aslan Confirms Lewis’ Worst Movie Fear) by Travis L. Lambert. “ Our New Website, On-line Store, and Blog!” by Robert Trexler. “A ‘Scientifiction’ Source for Lewis’ The Great Divorce” by Dale Nelson with the assistance of Ned Brooks. March 2006 Meeting Report. Twenty pages.

No. 414. July-August 2006
July: “From the Floor” moderated by James Como. August: No meeting. Essay: “C.S. Lewis and the Enduring Relevance of the Monarchy” by Adam Barkman. “Is Lewis’ Ransom Trilogy Indebted to ‘Yank Magazine’ Science Fiction?” By Dale Nelson. Book Review: In Pursuit of C.S. Lewis: Adventures in Collecting His Works reviewed by Robert Trexler. Letters. May and June 2006 Meeting Reports. Twenty-four pages.

No. 414. September-October 2006
September: “English Literature in the 16th Century (OHEL Part Two.- Golden Poetry) by Charles Beach October: “Discussion of Reflections on the Psalms” Moderated by Barbara Zelenko. Essay: “George Sayer on C.S. Lewis’ Definition of a Great Book” (Excerpts from Our Conversation in April 1998) by Mark Koonz. “Images of Affection (Storge) in As You Like It and King Lear” by Franklin Freeman. “George Sayer - A Memorial” by Doreen Anderson Wood, Ph.D. Bits & Pieces. Letters. July 2006 Meeting Report. Twenty pages.

No. 416. November-December 2006
November: “Evangelicals and Roman Catholics: Christian Unity via C.S. Lewis “ by Kevin Offner.
December: A Reading of “Royal Progress” from The Man Born to be King by Dorothy L. Sayers. Coordinated by Margaret Goodman. Essay: “C.S. Lewis & Christopher Dawson: On History & Historicism” by Frank Drollinger. “Science and Scientism in C.S. Lewis: Some Misunderstandings” by Kenneth Dupuy. Book Reviews: The Narnian (The Life and Imagination of C.S. Lewis) and Beyond Aslan (Essays on C.S. Lewis) reviewed by Clara Sarrocco. Letters. September and October 2006 Meeting Reports. Twenty pages.

No. 417, January-February 2007
Essay: "C.S .Lewis vs E.M.W. Tillyard: The Personal Heresy" by Charles Franklyn Beach. Report of the November 2006 meeting. Report on the December 2006 meeting. Content of Bulletins 2006. (January Meeting Topic: His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman presented by John Morrison. February Meeting Topic: "C.S. Lewis and the Middle Ages that Never Were" by Edwin Woodruff-Tait.) Twenty pages.

No. 418. March-April 2007
Essay: "Aristotelian Ethics in C.S. Lewis' Philosophy" by Adam Barkman. Jack and the Bookshelf (#1 in a series) "Charles Lamb's Essays of Elia" by Dale Nelson. Save the Date: The NYCSL Society's 40 Anniversary Weekend, August 7, 8 & 9 2009. Book Reviews: Here, There be Dragons by James A. Owen, reviewed by Nancy Leeks. C.S. Lewis Remembered: collected reflections of students, friends and colleagues by Poe, Harry Lee & Rebecca Whitten Poe, eds., reviewed by Jeff Gutierrez. "Treasures of Tolkien Studies: Sixteen Books Reviewed" by Charles Franklyn Beach. Report of the February 2007 meeting. Bits and Pieces. Report of the March 2007 meeting. (March Meeting Topic: "C.S. Lewis on Prayer" by William McClain. April Meeting Topic: "George MacDonald: Mere Christian?" by Robert Trexler.) Twenty pages.

No. 419, May-June 2007
Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Sir Walter Scott" by Mary Gehringer. "C.S. Lewis on Celebration, Pleasure and Play" by Brittany Watts. Book Review: A Gateway to Sindarin: A Grammar of an Elvish Language from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings by David Salo, reviewed by Charles Beach. Bits and Pieces. Report of the April 2007 meeting. (May Meeting Topic: "C.S. Lewis and Sir Walter Scott"by Mary Gehringer. June Meeting Topic "The Poetry of C.S. Lewis and Gilbert K. Chesterton" by Jennifer Woodruff-Tait.)Twenty pages.

No. 420, July-August 2007.
Essay: "Hunting the Unicorn: The Nature Poetry of Ruth Pitter" by Don King. Jack and the Bookshelf (#2) Eric Frank Russell's Sinister Barrier by Dale Nelson. Report of the May 2007 meeting. Report of the June 2007 meeting. Review from the publisher: The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community by Diana Glyer. Kent State University Press. Review from the Mythopoeic Society website: Past Watchful Dragons: Fantasy and Faith in the World of C.S. Lewis. Ed by Amy H. Sturgis. Reviewed by Robert Trexler. Letters. Bits and Pieces. Book Review: Strictly Right: William F. Buckley, Jr and the American Conservative Movement by Linda Bridges and John R. Coyne. Reviewed by James Como. From "Prince Caspian Movie Update". (July Meeting Topic: "From the Floor" chaired by James Como. August: No meeting). Twenty-four pages.

No. 421, September-October 2007.
Essay: "C.S. Lewis and Prayer" by William McClain presented to the Society on March 9, 2007. Report of the July 2007 meeting. Report of the September 2007 meeting. (September Meeting Topic: "Lewis and Kierkegaard on Friendship" by Robert Scheidt. October Meeting Topic: "C.S. Lewis and Spenser" by Charles Beach. Twenty pages.

No. 422, November-December 2007.
Essay: "Fairies in the Garden: Magic, Faerie, and Human Nature in Sir Orfel, Ywain and Gawain, and
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" by Travis Lambert. Book Reviews: Not a Tame Lion by Bruce L. Edwards. The C.S. Lewis Chronicles by Colin Duriez reviewed by Clara Sarrocco. "JBS: Th Life and Work of J.B. S. Haldane" (Interactions with C.S. Lewis) by Joel D. Heck. (November Meeting Topic: "Dorothy L. Sayers and C. S. Lewis: Mere Christians" by Christopher Mitchell. (December Meeting Topic: A reading of "The King's Supper" from The Man Born to be King by Dorothy L. Sayers coordinated by Margaret Goodman.) Sixteen pages.

No. 423, January-February 2008
Essay: "Is It Possible?" by Michael Ward. Report of the October 2007 meeting and the November 2007 meeting. Seven MacDonald Book Reviews by Robert Trexler (Baptised Imagination: The Theology of George MacDonald .by Kerry Dearborn - George MacDonald Exposes False Conflicts: Jesus/God, Justice/Mercy, Science/Religion by Mary Ellis Taylor - C.S. Lewis Called Him Master by Charles Seper - The Diary of an Old Soul and The White Page Poems - by George MacDonald and Betty Aberlin - George MacDonald: Literary Heritage and Heirs Edited by Roderick McGillis - George MacDonald's Challenging Theology of the Atonement, Suffering and Death by Miho Yamaguchi - Shadows and Chivalry: C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald on Suffering, Evil and Goodness by Jeff McInnis. Contents of Bulletin 2007. (January Meeting Topic: "C.S. Lewis and Literary Alchemy in the Ransom Trilogy" by John Granger. February Meeting Topic: "Planet Narnia" by Michael Ward) Twenty pages.

No. 424, March-April 2008
Essay: "The Uncreative Spell" (St. Augustine and C.S. Lewis on Pride) by Adam Barkman. Report of the December 2007 meeting and the January 2008 meeting. Sensucht II (a poem) by Donald T. Williams. (March Meeting Topic: "The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis Vol. III by Linda Bridges. April Meeting Topic: C.S. Lewis as Book Reviewer by James Como.)Twenty pages.

No. 425, May-June 2008
Essay: "The Letters of C.S. Lewis" (A Bibliographic Update 2008) by Stephen Thorson. Essay: "Adaptation vs Resemblance: My Caspian Movie Dilemma" by Charlie W. Starr. Essay: "Jack and the Bookshelf No. 3-Charles Dickens's Bleak House" by Dale Nelson. Book Review by Jorge Crespo: God and the Reach of Reason: C.S. Lewis, David Hume and Bertrand Russell by Erik J. Wielenberg. Book Review by Clara Sarrocco: A Reader's Guide to Caspian (A Journey into C.S. Lewis's Narnia) by Leland Ryken & Majorie Lamp Mead. Report of the February 2008 meeting and of the March 2008 meeting. (April Meeting Topic: "C.S. Lewis as Book reviewer" by James Como. May Meeting Topic: "A ‘One Man' Performance of The Great Divorce" by actor Tony Lawton.) Sixteen pages

No. 426, July-August 2008
Essay: "A Layman's Approach to Miracles" by William J. McClain. Essay: "Jack and the Bookshelf #4 - Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End" by Dale Nelson. Book Review by Joel D. Heck: The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Book Review by James Prothero: Mere Humanity: G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien on the Human Condition by Donald T. Williams. Book Review in Brief: C.S. Lewis as Philosopher (Truth, Goodness and Beauty) Ed. by David J. Baggett, Gary R. Habermas and Jerry L. Walls. Insert page on the Lewis Society's 40th Anniversary Symposium "All Things Considered" August 7, 8 and 9 2009. Report on the April 2008 meeting and the May 2008 meeting. (July Meeting Topic: "Flannery O'Connor and C.S. Lewis" by John McDermott. No meeting in August). Sixteen pages.

No. 427, September-October 2008
Essay: "C.S. Lewis: The Book Reviewer" by James Como. Essay: "Jack and the Bookshelf #5 - Sir Walter Scott's Guy Mannering" by Dale Nelson. Essay by Susan Wendling: "The Secret of Charles Williams Revealed" (an essay review of To Michal from Serge: Letters from Charles Williams to his wife, Florence 1939-1945) Ed. by Roma A. King and Charles Williams: Alchemy & Integration by Gavin Ashenden). Book Review by James Como: Mere Catholicism by Ian Ker. "Pauline Baynes - An Obituary" by David Henshall. Report of the April 2008 meeting. (September Meeting Topic: Discussion of "Creation and Fall in The Magician's Nephew" moderated by John Morrison. October Meeting Topic: "Lewis and G.K. Chesterton" by Joe Sweeney. Sixteen pages.

No. 428, November-December 2008
Essay: "The Personal Heresy: Scholars Can be Gentlemen" by Joel D. Heck. Essay:" Mere Epistemology: C.S. Lewis' Contribution to Understanding the Effects of Brain Damage" by Steven R. Sabat. Essay "The Grubwad Memo by Travis Lambert. Essay: "Jack and the Bookshelf #6 - Bohun Lynch's Menace from the Moon by Dale Nelson. Report of the July 2008 meeting. (November Meeting Topic: "Why American Culture is Incapable of Ever Producing a C.S. Lewis" by Kevin Offner. December Meeting Topic: "A Reading of ‘The Princes of this World' from The Man born to be King by Dorothy L. Sayers coordinated by Margaret Goodman. Sixteen pages.

No. 429, January-February 2009
Essay: “C.S. Lewis and the Rabbi: An interview with Rabbi Mayer Schiller by Clara Sarrocco. “Two Great Men Influenced by C.S. Lewis (Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. and Father Richard J. Neuhaus). Essay: “Spiritual Mentoring in the Letters of C.S. Lewis” by Ron Ratcliff. Book Review by Clara Sarrocco: Yours, Jack:Spiritual Direction from C.S. Lewis. Ed. Paul Ford. Book Review by Dale Nelson: C.S. Lewis, My Godfather: Letters, Photos and Recollections by Laurence Harwood. Contents of Bulletin 2008. Letters. Report of the December 2008 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 430, March-April 2009
Essay: “C.S. Lewis’ Correspondence with Douglas Bush” by George Musacchio. Part I Cycle of Stories: “Lunch with C.S. Lewis” by David C. Downing. Reports of the September 2008 and October 2008 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 431, May-June 2009
Essay:“The Hangman’s Duty (C.S. Lewis on Christian Citizenship in Wartime)” by Justin D. Barnard. Part II Cycle of Stories: “Charles Williams at the Divinity School” by David C. Downing. Bits & Pieces. Report of the November 2008 meeting. Book Review by Dale Nelson: Hunting the Unicorn: A Critical Biography of Ruth Pitter by Don King. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 7- J.M. Barrie’s Mary Rose by Dale Nelson. Twenty pages.

No. 432, July/August 2009
Essay: “Narnia and Harry Potter (Christian Virtues in Common)” by Tim Lambarski. Essay: “Virtues and Heavenly Bodies (Complementary Themes in the Narniad)” by Tim Lambarski. Book Review by Elaine Tixier: Boxen, Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia by C.S. Lewis and W.H. Lewis. Report of the January 2009 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 433, September-October 2009
Essay: “It’s NOT ‘All in Plato’: C.S. Lewis’ Theory of Myth” by Adam Barkman. Part III Cycle of Stories: “J.R.R. Tolkien at Home” by David C. Downing. Jack and the Bookshelf No.10 - Some Shakespearean Authorities by Dale Nelson. Reports of the March, 2009 and May 2009 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 434, November-December 2009
Essay: “‘You Will Have No More Dreams; Have Children Instead’: (Or, What’s a Nice Egalitarian Girl Like You Doing in a Book Like This?)” by Jennifer L. Woodruff Tait. Part IV Cycle of Stories: “With the Inklings at the ‘Bird and Baby’” by David C. Downing. Report of the February 2009 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 435, January-February 2010
Essay: “The Acworth/Lewis Correspondence: Evolutionism and Teilhard de Chardin” by Kenneth E. Dupuy. “Glimpses of C.S. Lewis and Others” by Rosamond Kent Sprague. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 11: (George Rostrevor Hamilton’s The Tell-Tale Article - 1949) by Dale Nelson. Photographs from the Society’s 40th Anniversary Symposium by Anne Sweeney. “C.S. Lewis Society Marks 40th Anniversary” by Robert Trexler. “A C.S. Lewis Society in Iraq” by Neil Gussman, SGT USA E Co.-104th GSAB E5. Contents of Bulletins 2009. Report of the June 2009 meeting. Bits & Pieces. Twenty pages.

No. 436, March-April 2010
Essay: “C.S. Lewis’ Most Prolific Year: 1945" by Joel D. Heck. Bits & Pieces. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 9: (Fletcher Pratt and L. Sprague de Camp’s Land of Unreason) by Dale Nelson. Report of the July 2009 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 437, May-June 2010
Essay: “C.S. Lewis and ‘Primary Colors’” by Clara Sarrocco. “C.S. Lewis’ Second Most Prolific Year: 1944" by Joel D. Heck. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 8: (Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables) by Dale Nelson. Report of the October 2009 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 438, July-August 2010
Essay: “The Secret of the Grail Revealed: Taliessin and Galahad in Charles Williams’ Life and Work” by Sue Wendling. Bits & Pieces. Report of the November 2009 meeting. Letters. Report of the December 2009 meeting. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 9: (Fletcher Pratt and L. Sprague de Camp’s Land of Unreason) by Dale Nelson. Sixteen pages.

No. 439, September-October 2010
Essay: “C.S. Lewis & Islam” by Eugene McGovern. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 13: (H. Rider Haggard’s Montezuma’s Daughter) by Dale Nelson. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 12: (Phyllis Elinor Sandeman’s Treasure on Earth) by Dale Nelson. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 14: (Anthony Trollope’s Doctor Thorne) by Dale Nelson. Miscellaneous Book Reviews by Clara Sarrocco: (C.S. Lewis in Context by Doris T. Myers; The Trilogy by Verlyn Flieger: A Question of Time: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Road to Faërie; Splintered Light-Logos and Language in Tolkien’s World; Interrupted Music-The Making of Tolkien’s Mythology.) “Bishop N.T. Wright on C.S.L. a/k/a Mark 6:4" by Robert Merchant. Report on the January 2010 meeting. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.
No. 440, November-December 2010
Essay. “C.S. Lewis and Education” by William McClain. Book Review by Jeffrey Scott Gutierrez: C.S. Lewis on the Final Frontier: Science and the Supernatural in the Space Trilogy by Sanford Schwartz. Bits & Pieces. Reports of the March and May 2010 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 441, January-February 2011
Essay: “Guidelines for Spiritual Reading from C.S. Lewis” by Richard James. Book Review by Salwa Khoddam: The Good, the True and the Beautiful in the Writings of C.S. Lewis by Louis Markos. Jack and the Bookshelf No.15 (Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur) by Dale Nelson. Reports of the June 2010, and September 2009 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 442, March-April 2011
Essay: “Walking to Heaven Backwards (The Letters of Joy Davidman)” by Clara Sarrocco. “C.S. Lewis and Popular Culture: Echoes of Perelandra in Lost” by Gary L. Tandy. Bits & Pieces. Books Noted: C.S. Lewis and the Church: Essays in Honor of Walter Hooper Edited by Judith and Brendan Wolfe, C.S. Lewis’s lost AENEID: Arms and the Exile Edited by A.T. Reves, Speaking of Jack: A C.S. Lewis Discussion Guide by Will Vaus. Reports of the April and October 2010 meetings. Contents of the Bulletin 2010. Twenty pages.

No. 443, May-June 2011
Essay: “Two Masters, Two Myths, of One Mind” (C.S. Lewis and Thornton Wilder) by James Como. “The Inklings and Festschriften” by Douglas A. Anderson. A Petition Regarding the C.S. Lewis Bible. Book Noted: Owen Barfield on C.S. Lewis, by Owen Barfield. Editor G.B. Tennyson. Reports of the November and December 2010 meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 444, July-August 2011
Essay: “Owen Barfield: Unregressed Pilgrim” by Edwin Woodruff Tait. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 16 (Milton’s Comus) by Dale Nelson. Reports of February and March 2011 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 445, September-October 2011
Essay: “Freud and Lewis on Jokes, Humor and Laughter (A Preliminary Study)” by Terry Lindvall. “Tolkien by a Colleague and Friend” by Dale Nelson. Letter to the Editor. Response to “Letter to the Editor”. Reports of the April and May 2011 meetings. Twenty-four pages.

No. 446, November-December 2011
Essay: “Lewis Writes While World War II Begins: 1939" by Joel Heck. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 17: John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress by Dale Nelson. “Tolkien by a Colleague and Friend” by Dale Nelson (Reprint for corrections from October-November issue) Letters to the Editor. “An Imaginary Dialogue: C.S. Lewis and Teilhard de Chardin” by Kenneth E. Dupuy. Report of the September 2010 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 447, January-February 2012
Essay: "CSL, DLS, and the BBC" by Margaret Goodman. Letters to the Editor. Bits & Pieces. Report of the July 2011 meeting. "The Immortalization Commission and the N.I.C.E". by Dale Nelson. "Lewis's Wardrobe at Westmont College". Contents of the Bulletin 2011. Twenty-four pages.

No. 448, March-April 2012
Essay: "The Middle War Years in the Writings of C.S. Lewis 1942 and 1943" by Joel D. Heck. Letter to the Editor. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 18 (Janet Spens' Spenser's Faerie Queene: An Interpretation) by Dale Nelson. Report of the September 2011 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 449 May-June 2012
Essay: "God in the Dock and C.S. Lewis for the Defense" by John Martin. "I have had maxims and verses flung at me all day": Proverbs in The Horse and His Boy by Peter Unseth. Letters to the Editor. Reports of the November 2011 and the January 2012 meetings. New Documentary "C.S. Lewis: Why He Matters Today". "Thoughts before Flag Day (June 14th) and Independence Day (July 4th). . . An Excerpt from Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue by Erick Felton, appearing in the Wall Street Journal on April 26, 2011. Sixteen pages.

No. 450. July/August 2012
Essay: "Mere Words That Heal and Inspire: The Resilient Personality and Creative Work of C.S. Lewis" by Peter A. Olsson, MD. The Ten Books that Most Influenced C.S. Lewis. "Between Friends: George Sayer's Communications with Stephen Schofield. Part 1" edited by Mark Koonz "Lewis's First and Final Short Story" by Devin Brown. Twenty pages.

No. 451, September-October 2012
Essay: "The Riddle of Gollum: A Speculative Meditation on Tolkien's Sources" by Woodrow and Susan Wendling. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 19 (Geoffrey of Monmouth's Histories of the Kings of Britain) by Dale Nelson. Reports of the January 2012 and March 2012 meetings. "Between Friends: George Sayer's Communications with Stephen Schofield. Part 2" edited by Mark Koonz. Book Review: Reflections from Plato's Cave: Essays in Evangelical Philosophy by Donald T. Williams reviewed by Jim Stockton. Bits & Pieces. Twenty pages.

No. 452, November-December 2012
Essay: : "C.S. Lewis and the Angelic Hierarchy" by Susan Wendling. Letter to the Editor. "Between Friends: George Sayer's Communications with Stephen Schofield, Part 3" edited by Mark Koonz. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

​​No. 453, January-February 2013
Essay: “The Real C.S. Lewis Bible” by Joe R. Christopher. Letter to the Editor. “Between Friends: George Sayer’s Communications with Stephen Schofield. Part 4” edited by Mark Koonz. C.S. Lewis Conferences for 2013. Content of the Bulletin 2012. Report of the December 14, 2012 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 454, March-April 2013
Essay: “C.S. Lewis and Michael O’Brien The Apocalyptic Imagination” by John Morrison. Save the Date: The Fulton Sheen Center for Faith and Culture and The New York C.S. Lewis Society, November 23, 2013. “Will Vaus Interviews Alister McGrath about New Biography – C.S. Lewis: A Life”. Report of the November 9, 2012 Meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 455, May-June 2013
Essay: “A Kneeling and Sceptered Love (Lewis’ Perilous Passion for Inequality)” by Steven D. Boyer. “The Big Picture (Another Perspective on Lewis and Neutered Language)” by Robert Merchant. “A Founding Member Remembers” by William Dawson. Bits & Pieces. Reports on the October 12, 2012 meeting and January 11, 2013 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 456, July-August 2013
Essay: “C.S. Lewis and the 2010 Bible Edition That Bears His Name” by Charles A. Huttar. Letter to the Editor. “Patterns in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis” by Colin Manlove. Twelve pages.

No. 457, September-October 2013
Essay: “Toward a Definition of C.S. Lewis’s Mythopoeic Aesthetics” by Salwa Khoddam. “An Introduction to The Screwtape Letters by Will Vaus. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 21 “Brian Aldiss’s Hothouse by Dale Nelson. Reports on the April 12, 2013 meeting and July 12, 1013 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 458, November-December 2013
Essay: “His Fugitive Voice: After Fifty Years” by James Como. Call for Papers: Edited Volume The Inklings and King Arthur. Bits & Pieces. Five Brief George MacDonald Book Reviews by Robert Trexler. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 20 Kent Hieatt’s Short Time’s Endless Monument by Dale Nelson. Report on the September 13, 2013 meeting. Sixteen pages.

​​No. 459. January-February 2014
Essay: “Lewis and New Testament Translation” by Robert Merchant. Homily at the Memorial Mass of C.S. Lewis’ 50th Anniversary by Msgr. Michael F. Hull. In Memoram – A 50th Anniversary Event to Celebrate the Life of C.S. Lewis (including photos). Contents of the Bulletin 2013. Twelve pages.

No. 460, March-April 2014
Essay: “Lewis’ Ideal Europe (Some Little-Known Sentences)” by James Tetreault. “C.S. Lewis and the Martlets” by Joel D. Heck. Additions and Corrections to “In Memoriam – A 50th Anniversary Event.” Book Review: Surprised by Oxford: A Memoir by Carolyn Weber. Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim. Reports on the October, November, December 2013 meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 461, May-June 2014
Essay: “C.S. Lewis at RAF Abingdon” by Bruce R. Johnson. Visit our New Society Website. Book Review: The Letters of Ruth Pitter: Silent Music ed. Don W. King. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Save the Date. Bits & Pieces. Reports on the January, March, April, May 2014 meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 462, July-August 2014
Essay: “Authurian Geographies in Tolkien, Williams and Lewis” by Sørina Higgins (Paper presented at the Society’s meeting on January 10, 2014). “Did He Hate That Man?: C.S. Lewis and Lord Nuffield” by David Bratman. Chris Mitchell (1951-2014) RIP by James Como, Diana Gyler, Michael Ward and David Downing. Reports of the June and July 2014 meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 463, September –October 2014
Essay” “The Liberal Arts, Antidote to Atheism (A Partial Theological Justification for the Liberal Arts)” by Joel D. Heck. “Shooting Merlin” by Edwin Woodruff-Tait. Bits & Pieces. Letters. Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for September & October) compiled by William O’Flaherty. Reports on the September and October 2014 meetngs. Sixteen pages.

No. 464, November-December 2014
Essay: “A Brief History of the New York C.S. Lewis Society” (a talk given at Taylor University, June 2014) by Robert Trexler. “45th Anniversary Memorial Lecture” essay by Robert Trexler. Book Review:The Pilgrim’s Regress by C.S. Lewis . Wade Annotated Edition. Edited and Introduced by David C. Downing. Reviewed by Robert Trexler. Back-issues on Our Society Website. “A Guide to C.S. Lewis’s The Pilgrim’s Regress” by Henry Noel from Issue No. 16 – February 1971 of the Bulletin. Home of C.S. Lewis from 1923 to 1929. “The Great Divorce on Stage: A Review” by Will Vaus. Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for November and December ) compiled by William O’Flaherty. Reports on the November and December 2014 meetings. Twenty-four pages.

No. 465. January – February 2015
Essay: “Oxbridge 2014 – The Virtues Reclaimed by John Morrison”. “Forgiveness: A Virtuous Gateway to the New Heaven and the New Earth” (A Meditation Given at Oxbridge 2014) by Rev. John Morrison. Talk outline notes provided by Kevin Offner for publication in the Bulletin, and the end of his manuscript. Briefly Noted: A Philosophical Walking Tour with C.S. Lewis: Why It Did Not Include Rome by Steward Goetz. New on our Society Website. Notes from our Members. Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for January – February) compiled by William O”Flaherty. Reports on the January 9, 2015 and February 13, 2015 Meetings. Contents of the Bulletin January to December 2014. Sixteen pages.

No. 466. March – April 2015
“Reflections on the Psalms” (C.S. Lewis as Biblical Commentator) by Gregory M. Anderson. “Digitized Lewis: A Review” (the C.S. Lewis collection: Logos Bible Software – 30 Volumes for Windows, Mac, or mobile – by William O’Flaherty. Forthcoming Books. “A Ham Dinner in Magdalen College” by George Musacchio. The Collected Poems of C.S. Lewis reviewed by Dale Nelson. C.S. Lewis Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse and The Inklings of Oxford (C.S. Lewis Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Their Friends) reviewed by Clara Sarrocco. Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for March – April) compiled by William O”Flaherty. Report on the March 13, 2015 Meeting.
Sixteen pages.

No. 467. May - June 2015
“C.S. Lewis, John Henry Newman, and the Reality of Conversion” by Edward Short. Memorial for Barbara Reynolds. Bits & Pieces. Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for May- June) compiled by William O”Flaherty. Sixteen pages.

No. 468. July – August 2015
“Image and Imagination: Reviewing Reviews and Essays” by Linda Bridges. Women and C..S Lewis (publishers description). “An Experiment in the Psalms” by Jonathan Aleixo. “The New York Theater District’s Other Lion King” (and Wicked Witch Too) by Gilbert Colon. “Light on the Psalms from C.S. Lewis” (A Chapter Summary) by Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J. C.S. Lewis and His Circle: Essays and Memoirs from the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society reviewed by Dale Nelson. Jack and the Bookshelf #23 by Dale Nelson. A Hobbit, A Wardrobe and a Great War (publisher description). Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for July-August) compiled by William O’Flaherty. Report of the May 8t, 2015 Meeting. Twenty-four pages.

No. 469, September – October 2015
“C.S. Lewis and Cardinal Ratzinger” by Clara Sarrocco. “Another Lewis/Ratzinger Reference” by Robert Merchant. “C.S. Lewis Bibliography-Update2015: Part I” by Stephen Thorson. “C.S. Lewis – On Stage Again in New York City. Jack and the Bookshelf #24 by Dale Nelson. Fascinating Facts on Lewis (for September – October) compiled by William O’Flaherty. Reports on the June 12, 2015 and July 10th 2015 Meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 470. November – December 2015
“Deconstruction and Rehabilitation: C.S. Lewis and Critical Theory” by Bruce L. Edwards, Jr. (reprint from CSL bulletin No. 155 September 1982). Requieseat in pace: Bruch Edwards. “C.S. Lewis Bibliography—Update 2015: Part 2” by Stephen Thorson. RIP: “Madeleine ‘Madge’ Mattichack”. Reports on the September 11, 2015 and October 9, 2015 meetings. Sixteen pages.

​​No. 471- January/February 2016
"The Development of Sehnsucht in the Letters of C.S. Lewis" by Sørina Higgins. Content of the Bulletins 2015. Reading C.S. Lewis: A Commentary by Wesley A. Kort. Reports of the November 13, 2015 and December 11, 2015 meetings. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 25 Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy by Dale Nelson. Sixteen pages.

No. 472 - March/April 2016
"C.S. Lewis' Warnings for Education" by Zachary A. Rhone. Women and C.S. Lewis (What his life and literature reveal for today's culture) Ed. by Carolyn Curtis and Mary Pomroy Key) a review by Louis Markos. Reports of the January 8, 2016, February 12, 2016 and March 11, 2016 meetings. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 26 Joseph Conrad's Chance by Dale Nelson. Sixteen pages.

No. 473 - May/June 2016
"The Tao of C.S. Lewis (Expounding the Law of Human Nature)" by Peter W. Yancey, Ph.D. "Joy and Poetic: Imagination: (Understanding Lewis's "Great War" with Owen Barfield and its Significance for Lewis's Conversion and Writings) by Stephen Thorson reviewed by Edwin Woodruff Tait. Reports of the April 8, 2016 and May 13, 2016 meetings. Twenty-four pages.

No. 474 - July/August 2016
"C.S. Lewis Serendipities: Things You Never Knew About Jack and Warren" by Joel D. Hess. Books in Brief: Bandersnatch: C..S Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings by Diana Gyler. The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams by Philip and Carol Zaleski. Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C.S. Lewis by Chris R. Armstrong. Reports of the June 10, 2016 and July 8, 2016 meetings. "Tenderness & Auschwitz" by Robert Merchant. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 27 The Alexander Romance article by Dale Nelson. Twenty pages.

No. 475 - September/October 2016
"Pilgrim's Progress and Pilgrim's Regress" by Charles Franklyn Beach. Letters. "Sehnsucht and Eschatology in C.S. Lewis" by Clara Sarrocco. C.S. Lewis: The Man Who Created Narnia by Michael Coren reviewed by Joe Sweeney. Bits & Pieces. Reports of the September 9, 2016 and October 14, 2016 meetings. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 28 John Fletcher's The Faithful Shepherdess by Dale Nelson. "Confirming C.S. Lewis Quotations" by William O'Flaherty. Twenty pages.

No. 476 - November/December 2016
"For the Beauty of the Earth" (C.S. Lewis' Quest to Understand the Transcendence of Beauty and Nature) by Alyssa Klaus. Book Briefs: The Golden Key by George MacDonald. Robert Falconer by George MacDonald. "C.S. Lewis, J.B. Phillips, and the Angelic Point of View" by Larry F. Fink. "Confirming C.S. Lewis Quotations" by William O'Flaherty. Reports of the November 11, 2016 and December 9, 2016 meetings. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 29 Anthony Trollope's Miss Mackenzie by Dale Nelson. Letters. Twenty pages.

No. 477 - January/February 2017
"C.S. Lewis and Samuel Johnson: A Study in Affinity" by Edward Short. "C.S. Lewis as True Socratic" by Danny Adkison. "C.S. Lewis and Bede Griffiths: Spiritual Friendship" by Ron Dart. Report of the January 13, 2017 Meeting. Contents of the Bulletin 2016. Letters. Twenty pages.

No. 478 - March/April 2017
"Freedom of Choice in The Great Divorce: C.S. Lewis' Rhetorical Vision of Afterlife" by Michael S. Jeffress and William J. Brown. Report oo the March 10, 2017 Meeting. Linda Bridges - Local Society Member - RIP. "Linda Bridges, RIP" by Jack Fowler. Book Review: From Atheism to Christianity: The Story of C.S. Lewis authored by Joel D. Heck. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 30 The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens article by Dale Nelaon. Twenty pages.

No. 479 - May/June 2017
"Fantasy and Science Fiction: The C.S. Lewis Issues" by Dale Nelson. "C. S. Lewis on Christian Motivation" by Kevin Offner. Confirming C.S. Lewis Quotations - "Pain is God's megaphone to rouse a deaf world" by William O'Flaherty. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 31 "The Prelude" by William Wordsworth article by Dale Nelson. Report of the May 19, 2017 Meeting. New Books. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 480 - July/August 2017
"C.S. Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers: Correspondence" by Marsha Daigle-Williamson. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 32 At the Mountains of Madness and "The Shadow Out of Time" by H. P. Lovecraft article by Dale Nelson. Book Reviews: Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R. R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings, by Diana Pavlac Glyer, Illustrated by James A. Owen. Reviewed by Donald T. Williams. and A Well of Wonder: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and the Inklings, by Clyde S. Kilby. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Report of the July 14, 2017 Meeting. Save the Date ("The Legacy of C.S. Lewis & 50th Anniversary of the New York C.S. Lewis Society (1969-2019)". Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 481 - September/October 2017
"C. S. Lewis on Eros as a Means of Grace" by Carbon Scott Carnell. "A Leap into Ancient Narnia" by Clara Sarrocco. 'What Lewis Has Meant for Me" by Fr. Peter Milward, SJ. Jack and the Bookshelf #33 The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope article by Dale Nelson. Report of the September 8, 2017 Meeting. Letters. Sixteen pages.

No. 482 - November - December 2017
"Christmas and Xmas in the Life of C.S. Lewis" by Joel D. Heck. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 34 The Lost Continent of Mu by James Churchward article by Dale Nelson. Confirming C.S. Lewis Quotations - "Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil" by William O'Flaherty. Report of the October 2017 Meeting. Letters. Sixteen pages.


No. 483 - January/February 2018
"A Jesuit Pupil Sits in Judgment on Lewis" by James Tetreault. "C.S. Lewis and Thor: Ragnarok" by Josiah Peterson. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 35 (Lost Horizon by James Hilton) by Dale Nelson. Reports of the December 8, 2017 and January 12, 2018 meetings. Bits & Pieces. Contents of the Bulletin 2017. Twenty pages.

No. 484 - March/April 2018
"C.S. Lewis' Ambivalence toward Rhetoric and Style" by Gary L. Tandy. Reports of the February 9, 2018 and March 9, 2018 meetings. "C.S. Lewis Tells Us What to Read" by David Mills. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 36 (The Ulsterman by Frank Frankfort Moore) by Dale Nelson. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

No. 485 - May/June 2018
"Oxbridge 2017: The Desert Irrigated, the Garden Cultivated" by John Morrison. "C.S. Lewis Tells Us How to See Others" by David Mills. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 37 (Mary's Country by Harold Mead) by Dale Nelson. Report of the April 13, 2018 meeting. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

No. 486 - July/August 2018
"Mary Shelley, Convert Christian, and Friend" by Joel Heck. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 38 (John Silence, Physician Extraordinary by Algernon Blackwood) by Dale Nelson. Reports of the May 11, 2018, June 8, 2018 and July 13, 2018 meetings. Sixteen pages.

No. 487 - September/October 2018
"The New York C.S. Lewis Society: Beginnings" by Mary Gehringer and Gene McGovern. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 39 (The Box of Delights by John Masefield) by Dale Nelson. Reports of the July 13, 2018, September 14, 2018, October 12, 2018 and November 9, 2018 meetings. Book Reviews of The Inklings & King Arthur: J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis & Owen Barfield on the Matter of Britain. Edited by Sørina Higgins. Berkeley, CA. Apocryphile Press, 2017. Reviewed by John Stanifer, and Sudden Heaven: The Collected Poems of Ruth Pitter: A Critical Edition. Edited by Don W. King. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2018. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Sixteen pages.

No. 488 - November/December 2018
"'A Living House': Everyday Life and Living and Sacramental Poetics in George MacDonald and C.S. Lewis" by Rebekah Ann Lamb. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 40 (The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ First English translation from French in 1954 Republished in 1963 as A Doctor at Calvary by Pierre Barbet, M.D.) by Dale Nelson. Book Review of The Fame of C.S. Lewis by Stephanie L.Derrick. Oxford, Oxford UP, 2018. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Book Noted: Informing the Inklings - George Macdonald and the Victorian Roots of Modern Fantasy. Edited by Michael Partridge and Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson. Twelve pages.


No. 489 - January/February 2019
"The Revolution of Innocence - A Reading of G. K. Chesterton's Manalive" by Charles Franklyn Beach. Book Noted: "In the Highest Degree: Essays on C.S. Lewis's Philosophical Theology ‒ Method, Content, and Reason Vol. I & Vol. II. Jack & the Bookshelf #41 (Richard Ward's Life of Henry More) by Dale Nelson. Book Review of George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles: Incarnation, Doubt, and
Enchantment by Timothy Larsen. Downers Grove, IL. IVP Academic, 2018. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Report of the December 14, 2018 meeting. Letters. Contents of the Bulletin 2018. Sixteen pages.

No. 490 – March/April 2019
“Nan Dunbar, Statius, and C.S. Lewis” by Joel Heck. “C.S. Lewis on Salvation: More Catholic or Protestant?” by Kevin Offner. Save the Date: Weekend Symposium. Book description of Symbol or Substance: A Dialogue on the Eucharist with C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham and J.R. R. Tolkien by Peter Kreeft. Book Review of The Tao of Right and Wrong: Rediscovering Humanity’s Moral Foundation by Dennis Danielson. Reviewed by Rev. Mark McKim. “More than the Wardrobe” -The Rev. Paul C. Brambett Collection (reprinted from the Mercer University webside). Jack & the Bookshelf #42 (Richard Baxter’s Autobiography) by Dale Nelson. Letters. Reports of the January 11, 2019 meeting and the February 8, 2019 meeting. Twenty pages.

No. 491 – May/June 2019
“C.S. Lewis and Edwin Abbott Abbottt’s Flatland” by Josiah Peterson. “C.S. Lewis’s Rooms at Keble College” by Justin Keena. “Jack & the Bookshelf #43 (Margaret Kennedy’s The Feast) by Dale Nelson. Report of the March 8, 2019 meeting. Bits & Pieces. Sixteen pages.

No. 492 – July/August 2019
“Why I am a Pacifist. A Response to C.S. Lewis” by Bill Hoard. Book Review of The Faun’s Bookshelf: C. S. Lewis on Why Myth Matters by Charlie W. Starr. Reviewed by Zachary A. Rhone. “The Discarded Magazine” (Bad tempered Mrs. Moore, Possible “Forms of Things Unknown” Source, and Other Gleanings) by Dale Nelson. Jack & the Bookshelf # 44 (Sir Thomas Browne’s Religio Medici) by Dale Nelson. Reports of the April 12, 2019, May10, 2019 and June 14, 2019 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 493 – September/October 2019
“W. H. Lewis, Wriiter and Historian: A Prolegomena” by Paul E. Michelson. “What C.S. Lewis Means to Me” by various members. RIP Marilyn Driscoll. Letter: “A Response to Mr. Hoard on Pacifism” by Dr. Jim Sauer, Director of Library, Evangelical Seminary, Myerstown, PA. Book Review: of Pursuing an Earthy Spirituality by Gary S. Selby. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Jack & the Bookshelf #46 (Rose Macaulay’s They Were Defeated ) by Dale Nelson. Report of the July 12, 2019 meeting. Sixteen pages.

No. 494 – November/December 2019
“Special 50th Anniversary Edition (Remembering Our Weekend Celebration).” “50, At and Along” Friday Evening Address by Founding Member James Como. Introduction to Professor Como’s talk by Clara Sarrocco. “Saturday Evening Preliminary Remarks” by Michael Ward. “A Report of the 50th Anniversary Weekend - October 18-20” by Robert Trexler. “Launcelot” and “A Book Common to Lewis, Tolkien and Williams: The High History of the Holy Graal (Perlesvaus)” by Dale Nelson. Weekend pictures. Report of the September 13, 2019 meeting. Twenty Pages.


No. 495 – January/February 2020“Crosses and Wreathes Made to Order (Austin Farrrer– A Celebration of Faith)” by Clara Sarrocco. “C.S. Lewis and Cervantes on Bad Stories” by David Kornegay. Contents of the Bulletin 2019. Reports of the October 11, 2019 and the November 8, 2019 meetings. Book Review of The Great Tower of Elfland: The Mythopoeic View of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton and George MacDonald by Zachary A. Rhone. Kent State University Press, 2017. Reviewed by Gwendolyn Starks. Jack & the Bookshelf #46 (Charles Williams's James I) by Dale Nelson. Sixteen pages.​


No. 496 – March/April 2020“Janie Moore: The 'Mother' of C.S. Lewis” by Joel D. Heck. Jack & the Bookshelf #47 (Clare Kipps' Sold for a Farthing) by Dale Nelson. Report of the December 13, 2919 meeting. Sixteen pages.​


No. 497 – May/June 2020“C.S. Lewis & the Socratics: How to Talk to Those who Disagree with You” by Josiah Peterson. (Address at the 50th Anniversary of the New York C.S. Lewis Society, 20 October 2019.) Reports of the February 14, 2020 and January 10, 2020 meetings. Book Review of The Reading Life (The Joy of Seeing New Worlds Through Others' Eyes). C.S. Lewis, Edited by David C. Downing and Michael G. Maudlin. HarperOne, New York, 2019. Reviewed by Clara Sarrocco. Jack & the Bookshelf #48 (John Wain's Sprightly Running)) by Dale Nelson. Sixteen pages. ​No.


498 – July/August 2020“Some Thoughts on the Poetry of C.S. Lewis” by Charles Franklyn Beach. Reports on the March 13, 2020 and June 12, 2020 meetings. Jack & the Bookshelf #49 (William Morris' The Well at the World's End) by Dale Nelson. “A Problem in Communication” by Joe R. Christopher. Sixteen pages. 


​No. 499 – September/October 2020“C.S. Lewis as a Vehicle for the Liberal Arts - Part I (A Mathematician Steals into Narnia”) by David Calvis. Jack & the Bookshelf #50 (The Letters of Robert Southey: A Selection) by Dale Nelson. “C.S. Lewis and the Wait of Glory” by John J. Brugaletta. Sixteen pages. ​


No. 500 – November/December 2020“C.S. Lewis as a Vehicle for the Liberal Arts – Part II (A Mathematician Steals into Narnia)” continued from the September/October Bulletin by David Calvis. Report of the September 11, 2020 meeting by Erin Seidel. “Walter Hooper: 1931-2020 – A Brief Memoir, and Personal” by James Como. Jack and the Bookshelf # 51 (Morton N. Cohen's Rider Haggard: His Life and Works) by Dale Nelson. Book Review of The Neglected C.S. Lewis by Mark Neal and Jerry Root. Paraclete Press, 2020. Reviewed by Sarah Waters. “Northwind Doctoral Program in Romantic Theology” by Michael J. Christenson. Sixteen pages. ​


No. 501 – January/February 2021“Austin Farrer - A Hawk Among Sparrows” by Joel Heck. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 52 (H. A. Blair's A Stranger in the House) by Dale Nelson. Report of the October 9, 2020 Meeting. Report of the November 13, 2020 Meeting. Report of the December 11, 2020 Meeting. Contents of the Bulletin 2020. Letters. Twenty pages. 


No. 502 – March/April 2021“C.S. Lewis and St. Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Evil or The Problem with the Problem of Evil” by Paul Kucharski. Jack and the Bookshelf No.53 (S.T. Coleridge's “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”) by Dale Nelson. “Cooking Jack – A Contrarian View” by James Como. Book Review of Lewis on the Christian Life (Becoming Truly Human in the Presence of God) by Joe Rigney. Crossways, 2018. Reviewed by Josiah Peterson. Book Review of Splendour in the Dark (C.S. Lewis 's Dymer in His Life and Work) by Jerry Root, notes by David Downing. InterVarsity Press, 2020. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Report of the January 8, 2021 Meeting. Report of the March 12, 2021 Meeting. Sixteen pages.  


No. 503 - May/June 2021“C.S. Lewis and the Limitations of Intellect” by Steve Morris. “Reflections on Mere Christianity's Preface” by Kevin Offner. Jack and the Bookshelf No. 54 (S.T. Coleridge's Christabel) by Dale Nelson. Report of the April 9, 2021 Meeting. Letter. Sixteen pages.  


No. 504 – July/August 2021“CSL and DLS - Some Further Thoughts” by Margaret Goodman. “The Theology of Tolkien's Secondary World” ( essay by Dale Nelson of of Sam McBride's Tolkien's Cosmology: (Divine Beings and Middle-earth). Kent State University Press, 2020. Book Review by Deal Nelson of After Humanity (A Guide to C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man) by Michael Ward. Word on Fire Academic, 2021. Report of the May 14, 2021 Meeting. Sixteen pages.  


No. 505 – September/October 2021“For God and Country – The Wartime Works of G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis” by Kevin Flaherty. ”My Favorite Childhood Book” interview with Susanna Clark. “C.S. Lewis Titles from Library of Author's Friend to be Sold” from Book Note - Fr. Dwight Longenecker's Reluctant Allies: Essays on Eliot and the Inklings (Foreword by Joseph Pearce) by Louis Markos. “Our Visit to the Wade” by Frances Holman. Report of the June 11, 2021 Meeting. Report of the July 9, 2021 Meeting. Sixteen pages.  


No. 506 – November/December 2021“An Assessment of G. K. Chesterton's Heretics” by Charles Franklyn Beach. “C.S. Lewis and. . . Being the First in a Series of Satirical Lewis Criticism of Which No more Will be Written” by Charles W. Starr, B.A., M.A., D.A., Scarlet A. Book Review of No Ordinary People (Twenty-one Friendships of C.S. Lewis) by Joel Heck. Winged Lion Press, 2021. Reviewed by Louis Markos. Sixteen pages. ​


No. 507 – January/February 2022“C.S. Lewis and The Wind in the Willows” by Josiah Peterson. “Flannery O’Connor on Till We Have Faces.” C.S. Lewis in the Pepys Library: A Biographical Trifle” by Charles Huttar. “C.S. Lewis Bibliography—Additional Items, 2022” by Stephen Thorson. “Bill McClain – A Remembrance” by Clara Sarrocco. “Notes From Our Readers.” Contents of the Bulletin 2021. Twenty-four pages.​


No. 508 – March/April 2022“Stella Aldwinckle, Atheists, and Agnostics” by Joel Heck. Book Reviews of Stop Reading the News: A Manifesto for a Happier, Calmer and Wiser Life by Rolf Dobelli. Hodder & Stoughton, 2020 and From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith by Louis Markos. InterVarsity Press, 2021. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. “C.S. Lewis, Bibliography—Drawings, Holographs, Annotations, and Inscriptions” by Stephen Thorson. Meeting Reports of the September 2021, November 2021 and December 2021 Meetings. Twenty pages.​


No. 509 - May/June 2022“Layered Landscapes: C.S. Lewis’s ‘Other Worlds’” by James Como. Book Reviews (One Book Two Reviews) Tolkien’s Modern Reading: Middle-earth Beyond the Middle Ages by Holly Ordway. Word on Fire Academic, 2021. Reviewed by Dale Nelson and Josiah Peterson. “Cameo Appearance: A Note on Jesus in That Hideous Strength” by Patrick Gray. “‘Of This and Other Worlds’ A Report from Romania” by Erin Seidel. “Jack and the Bookshelf #56 – Charles Dickens’s Martin Chuzzlewit” by Dale Nelson. Meeting Reports of the January 2022 and February 2022 Meetings. Twenty pages.​


No. 510 – July/August 2022“Temptation Hooks and Resistance Strategies (Discussion Points for The Screwtape Letters)” by Ronald E. Wheeler. “Mastering Inkling Erudition (Sounding Like an Expert Without Accumulating Multiple Ph.D.s)” and “The Mere Oxford Inkling Erudition Chart” by Robert C. Stroud. Book Reviews of The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind. InterVarsity, 2022 and Coyote Fork: A Thriller by James Wilson. Wipf and Stock, 2020, by Dale Nelson. Meeting Reports of the February 2022, March 2022 and April 2022 Meetings. Letters. Twenty pages.​


No.511 – September/October 2022C.S. Lewis and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Josiah Peterson. “C.S. Lewis on the Importance of Dying to Self as the Way Forward in Christian Maturity” by Kevin Offner. Sixteen pages.​


No. 512 – November/December 2022“An Introduction to Subversive by Crystal Downing” by Margaret Goodman. “The Golden Age of Modern Fantasy: A Quarter Century in the Reading of Lewis, Sayers, Tolkien and Williams” by Dale Nelson. Report of the May 2022 Meeting. “C.S. Lewis: A Sonnet” by Malcolm Guite. Letters. Twenty pages.


No. 513 – January/February 2023“C.S. Lewis & John Buchan: Two Outsiders and the Inner Ring” by Marcus Paul. Book Review of The Great Tales Never End: Essays in Memory of Christopher Tolkien edited by Richard Ovenden and Catherine McIlwaine. Oxford Bodleian Library, 2022.  Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Meeting Reports of the June 2022, September 2022, October 2022, November 2022, and December 2022 meetings. Contents of the Bulletin 2022. Sixteen pages. 


No. 514 - March/April 2023“‘De Futilitate’ and The Problem of Good” by Mark Wagner. “Consumer Materialism and Christian Hope” by Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) with An Introduction to the Talk by James A. Motter. Jack and the Bookshelf #57 – Robert Browning’s The Ring and the Book by Dale Nelson. Book Review of Inkling, Historian, Soldier, and Brother:  A Life of Warren Hamilton Lewis by Don King.  Kent State University Press, 2023. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Twenty pages. 


No. 515 - May/June 2023“Albert Lewis: ‘A Tremendous Personality’” by Joel Heck. Book Reviews of Becoming C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Young Jack Lewis (1898-1918). The Making of C.S. Lewis: From Atheist to Apologist (1918-1945). The Completion of C.S. Lewis: From War to Joy (1945-1963). (Lewis Trilogy) by Harry Lee Poe. Crossway, 2019, 2021, 2022. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Jack & the Bookshelf #58 – Mervyn Peake’s Titus Groan and Gormenghast  by Dale Nelson. Meeting Report of January 2023 meeting. Twenty-four pages. 


No. 516 – July/August 2023“On Everything, On Something, On Anything, or Nothing: The Life, Writings, and Controversies of Hilaire Belloc” by Charles Franklyn Beach. “Seek and Ye Shall Find – Almost Everywhere: A Note on The Argumentative Lewis” by James Como. Book Review of Deeper Heaven: A Reader’s Guide to C. S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy by Christiana Hale. Roman Roads. 2020. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Meeting Reports of the February 11, 2023 and April 14, 2023 meetings. Twenty pages. 


No. 517 – September /October 2023“William Lindsay Gresham and the Inklings: A Look at Nightmare Alley” by G. Connor Salter. “C. S. Lewis on the Signs of the End of Civilization” by Kevin Offner. Book Review of Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography by Holly Ordway. Word on Fire Academic, 2023. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Report of the May 12, 2023 meeting.  Twenty pages.  


No. 518 -  November/December 2023“C.S. Lewis: Supervisor” by Alastair Fowler.  A New Society Website. Reports of the June 9, 2023, July 14, 2023,  and September 8, 2023 meetings. Jack and the Bookshelf #59 – E. R. Eddison’s The Worm Ouroboros by Dale Nelson.


No. 519 – January/February 2024

“The Christian Communicator” by James Como. William Lindsay Gresham and Norse Poetry: A Surprising Discovery” by G. Connor Salter. Book Review of The Leadership of C.S. Lewis: Ten Traits to Encourage Character and Growth by Crystal Hurd. Winged Lion Press, 2021. Reviewed by Josiah Peterson.  A Sense of Tales Untold: Exploring the Edges of Tolkien’s Literary Canvas by Peter Grybauskas. Kent State University Press, 2021. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Seven Lewis Documentaries Movies. Content of the 2023 Bulletins. Report of the October 13, 2023 meeting. Twenty pages.


No. 520 – March/April 2024

“The Gothic Gospel: Archetypes of Sin’s Monstrosity in Lewis, Tolkien, and Williams” by Ron Wheeler.  Book Review of Dorothy L. Sayers, The Man Born to be King: Wade Annotated Editon Edited by Kathryn Wehr . InterVarsity Press, 2023. Reviewed by David L. Dodds. Answers from Aslan: The Enduring Apologetics of C.S. Lewis by Donald Williams. DeWard Publishing Co. Ltd., 2023. Aslan’s Breath: Seeing the Holy Spirit in Narnia by Mathew Dickerson reviewed by Roy Walen. Square Halo Press. 2024. Reviewed by Ron Wheeler. “My Visit to the Kilns” by Fran Holman.  Jack and the Bookshelf #60 – Lord Dunsany’s The Charwoman’s Shadow and Tales of Three Hemispheres by Dale Nelson.  Meeting Reports of the November 10, 2023 and December 8, 2023 meetings. Twenty pages.


No. 521 – May/June 2024

“C.S. Lewis and Phantastes” by Josiah Peterson. “Russell Kirk and the Inklings: Suggestions for Future Research” by G. Connor Salter. “The Key to Lewis’s Moral Theology: The Path to Life Always Involves Death” by Kevin Offner. “C.S. Lewis and the Man Who Bombed Ethics” by Dale Nelson. Book Review of The Major and the Missionary: The Letters of Warren Hamilton Lewis and Blanche Biggs edited by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Rabbit Room Press, 2023.  Reviewed by Josiah Peterson.  Jack and the Bookshelf #61 – Walter de la Mare’s Ding Dong Bell by Dale Nelson. Report of the January 12, 2024 meeting. Twenty-four pages.


No. 522 – July/August 2024

“The Most Important Concept in the Writings of C.S. Lewis” by Joel D. Heck.  New & Noteworthy – C.S. Lewis on Literature: An Introduction to His Literary Criticism, Literary History, Literary Theory by Marcus K. Paul. Winged Lion Press. 2024. Jack and the Bookshelf #62 - Elizabeth Gaskell’s The Life of Charlotte Bronte by Dale Nelson. Letters. Meeting Reports of the February 9, 2024, March 8, 2024 and April 12, 2024 meetings. Twenty pages.

No. 523 – September/October 2024

“Influences of Romanticism: Lewis, Wordsworth and the Notion of Sehnsucht” by Aimee Smith (Winner of the NYCSL Society 2024 College Essay Contest). Book Review of C.S. Lewis in America: Readings and Reception, 1935-1947 by Mark Noll and responders. IVP Academic, 2023. Reviewed by Dale Nelson. Jack and the Bookshelf #63 – G. K. Chesterton’s The Flying Inn by Dale Nelson.  Meeting reports of the May 10, 2024, June 9, 2024 and July 12, 2024 meetings. Sixteen pages.


No. 524 – November/December 2024

“The Classical Lewis – Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Augustine, Athanasius, Lao Zi, Boethius, Kempis and Dante” by James Prothero. Jack and the Bookshelf #64 – Richard Chenevix Trench’s The Study of Words.  Meeting Reports of the September 13, 2024 and October 11, 2024 meetings. Sixteen pages.

"Shortly after Lewis died, those who knew his works were far fewer than now, and they delighted in giving and receiving new light on Lewis's books. ... Many of us hung on the latest issue of CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C.S. Lewis Society and other publications, eager to know what the others were saying about this remarkable writer."
                                   Walter Hooper, from his Foreword to Beyond the Shadowlands​​

Walter Hooper

Photo by Lancia Smith

New York C.S. L.ewis Society 

©2024 by New York C.S. L.ewis Society .

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